Itchy Rash Post SCT

This topic contains 15 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  happyheartsfan 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    Can anyone help?
    My husband had his first stem cell transplant on 8th November 2012. All went well until 2 days before discharge on 24 November, when he developed a rash. The rash started with spots on his chin and neck which the registrar wasn't overly concerned about and prescribed an antihistamine. The rash became incredibly itchy and spread to most of his body. Hospital advised to return to GP who diagnosed Eczema, which my husband has never suffered from before. He is now 6 weeks post transplant and the rash is constantly itchy, especially at night, when it drives him crazy and stops him, (& me!), sleeping. The GP has prescribed various creams, including Hyrochortisone, Betnovate, E45, Eurax, and antihistamines but nothing seems to be helping. Also tried Aloe Vera gel. GP has now referred him to dermatology but waiting time for appointment is 3 months!

    Has anyone else experienced a similar rash and discovered any cure or relief?



    Hi Suzy…hope hubby is doing well see my previous post

    As you say my consultant too was not at all concerned with the damn itching …but good luck and stay safe hope hubby copes well with post SCT ..Phil Jan and Sam



    Fortunately I didn't have any itchy rashes post SCT but did when I was on CDT and that was caused by a drug I was taking at the time.

    Was your husband given a new drug to take just before he was discharged? It could be an allergic reaction.



    Hi Phil,Jan & Sam
    Thanks for replying. Lets hope my hubby has same response as you & wakes up one day,(tomorrow would be nice!!), with no itch.
    He had call from Dermatology this aternoon & has appointment for 18th Jan so fingers crossed they can sort it.

    Apart from the rash his transplant went really well & bloods are showing good results. Consultant again on 8th Jan so am hoping bloods continue to improve.
    Thanks for help



    Hi Michele
    Thanks for replying
    The registar thought it may have been 'Aciclovar' which he started taking 2 weeks before discharge but he had last dose of this 4 weeks ago so is unlikely to be reaction.

    Thanks anyway



    Hi Suzy

    I had an itchy rash after my SCT but it soon settled, I have had exma for many a year in the winter months and as I had SCT in December I was on top of it straight away.
    Hope hubby is soon sorted.

    Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xxx



    HI Suzy, any luck getting to the bottom of your husbands itchy rash? My mum has similar, she's using Aveeno lotion that my hubby was given for his excema.

    Hope he's itch free by now:-)

    Love Ali xx



    Hi Ali and Suzy
    I swore by Aveno and the itch seems a common problem.
    Love Helen



    Hi Ali
    Sorry to hear your Mum has same sort of rash.
    My husbands rash has not completly gone but has improved a little.
    Dermatology Consultant suspects his rash is an allergic reaction to some of the drugs he was given pre and post transplant, even though haematology didn't think so at the time! He has been prescribed the following: Atarax antihistamine tablets, Protopic Cream for face and neck. Elocan Cream for body/limbs.

    Hope this information will help



    It is now 4 months since I had my SCT and I am suffering more and more from itchy skin but without a rash. It is fatal to start scratching because my skin comes up in great weals where I have attacked it and this just makes the itching worse. Antihistamines seem to work a bit. The Christie in Manchester wants me to continue on Aciclovir for 6 months and I seem to remember a post to this effect?
    Has anybody else got a similar problem?



    Hi All
    Just a fast one.
    The Itch could be your hair starting to grow I had same and when haire rerew it stopped.

    Have a great day work for me now 🙂

    Tom Onwards and Upwards x



    Hi Chris,

    Phil is 3 months post his SCT and like Tom said, he is very itchy from the hair growing back. Phil doesn't have a rash but the hair growing back is causing a lot of scratching 🙂




    Hi my husband had the exact same thing all over his whole body even his face, they even took a biopsy and could not work out what it was apart from a reaction to the melphan. The dermatologist gave him this paraffin greasy petroleum jelly stuff which i smothered him in he also took ante histamines and paracetamols. I changed all the washing powder to nonbiological and the same with shower gel. It did subside but took a good 2 months to go completely. Love sarah xxxx



    Hi, I hope your husband has got better over time? I had my transplant on 26th March. I had a rash appearing on my discharge 16 days later. I have never stopped scratching since. Legs, arms neck and upper trunk are the worst. Please tell me it suddenly just goes away? I am applying creams, taking tablets etc as prescribed by my dermatologist but it's driving me mad and more so my wife as I keep bleeding on the sheets and pillow cases.



    Dear happyheartsfan
    Sorry to hear you are suffering with the same itchy rash. My husbands rash has improved greatly which I think has been due to 2 prescritions. First is Atarax antihistamine tablets, which he takes at night and second is a cream called Elocon. Within a week of using the Elocan cream the rash had calmed right down. You can probably get these prescribed by your GP rather than wait to see the Dermatologist.

    A word of warning to you and others though. The rash came back on my husbands face and we can only put it down to being in the sun so if we see the sun again wear plenty of sun cream and a hat!

    Happyheartsfan, hope this has helped – we know how hard it can be for you and your wife but it WILL get better.

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