It's so unfair!

This topic contains 17 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Min 13 years, 10 months ago.

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    I am so so sorry for the loss of your brothers. I cannot even begin to imagine how you are feeling at the moment and how hard this must be for you and your family.

    I don't really know what else to say except to how much I will be thinking of you and your family. And remember, you don't have to come to terms with it quickly. Use this period to remember the good times and the things that you loved about your brother (s) and when you are ready you will come to terms with the bits you need to.

    With many good wishes and prayers for you all over the coming weeks.
    Debs x



    I echo Debs' comments.

    You must be feeling angry as well as overwhelmingly sad. Life does seem very unfair at times, and it seems so unfair that MM takes so long to diagnose.

    Please be assured of my prayers too.




    Dear Susan

    I am so sorry you lost a brother to this dreaded MM, and also give you my condolances on the loss of your elder brother, Life is so cruel.

    I see you have just joined us, please stay with us am sure we can all rally round and help you in your hour of need.

    Love Hugs and aslo Prayers sent to you and your Family.

    Tom x




    I am so sorry to hear about your loss.

    sending you ((((HUGS)))

    Yep life is so very very cruel sometimes. I wish I could say more, but nothing I can say will make life easier at this sad time.

    love to you and your family, thinking of you all.

    with much love michelle x x



    I am so sorry to hear about your brothers, it must be very hard to accept they arent there. Hang onto all those good memories you have which will be with forever and just take it a day at a time love Bridget



    All my sympathy.

    How are the children?

    Was MM the direct cause of death? Why did they take three months to diagnose? Was he receiving any treatment? These questions are pointless –




    The children are coping…just. They wanted a few days to be left on their own so we have done that. Why was it taking so long to diagnose? That's what we are asking. Maybe if they'd worked quicker he would still be with us, but we'll never know. I AM SO ANGRY!



    Hi bluebird

    my sympathy to all your family,My partner has mm,and it is hard to deal with,IT is rare only 3000 cases a year in Britain most doctors will only come across it once or twice in there working lives.the symptoms can be many illnesses,only bone marrow test will confirm 100% that it is mm.

    Most people put it down to back problems,age related illnesses,I could go on with many more general problems.You will get over the anger,it is part of the grieving process,no one wants to loose someone they love.So take time to grieve for your brother.



    i am so sorry to hear about your brother what a terrible shock which I know for you will hard to come to terms with I send you Big HUG you have every right to be angry Myeloma uk started the take 2 campagn for this reason as too many people have a late diagnosis as so many doctor ignore the symtoms which a simple blood test could solve my thoughts are with you and your brothers children

    God bless Jo



    Hi Bluebird the there are quite a lot of people who had to wait months for a dignosis.In my case it was about a year , during which time 3 vertebrae were destroyed and it was only major reconstructio surgery that prevented me from being paralysed. The trouble is myeloma is a rare cancer and few doctors such as gps and junior hospital doctors will have dealt with it! That is why mmuk campaign to make doctors aware of myeloma is so important love Bridget



    Hi, I'm no expert ok, but as far as know grief always comes with anger, so it's good to know you feel it. I doubt you can find any satisfying and suitable target for it, but that doesn't make it any less valid.

    From what you have described it seems that your brother's death was unexpected by the family and the medical team. Do you know what happened? There may be no explanation,

    Good luck




    Hi Bluebird,

    I don't know what I can say to take away your sorrow, having lost a brother who was aged 34 I can sympathise some what but to have lost 2 brothers in less than a year must be heartbreaking. My Dad has Myeloma and has had symptoms for approx 2 years before being diagnosed I can understand your anger and your grief. You will find much support here.I hope you will get the answers you so greatly need.

    Sending you and your family much love and hugs Clara xxx



    I am so sorry for your loss. I just wanted you to know that my thoughts are with you Gill xx




    I'm so sorry for your families loss. No matter what questions you ask, or anger you feel it will never make it right. I lost my husband xmas eve so I know how hard this is to cope with.

    Love and best wishes to you all


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