Ivan's SCT

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  DaiCro 12 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi, everyone,

    Day 23 after Ivan's SCT things are looking better after the worst week of Ivan's sickness, he was very poorly all,last week but with Gods help he's come through. Today he got out of bed himself eat some tea and toast on his chair and had a shower by himself. He is still very weak but getting better. Bloods works are good doctors are pleased with his progress. Kidneys are still not working but he's on dialysis and the renal doctor said the scan he had showed no damage or blockages he feels as Ivan gets better he hopes that the kidneys will start working. We are grateful for all your support and prayers. I'll keep you posted on how he's gets on this week. Maybe we will get him home soon. No rush he's in the best place for now.

    Thanks Cathy



    Dear Cathy

    That all sounds very positive news:-) Ivans had a rough ride hasnt he? with the added complication of the dialysis. I hope that he improves slowly but surely and he gets to come home soon, thats where he will get his strength back.

    Thanks for posting – take care

    Love Ali xx



    Hi Cathy,
    Well Ivan is on his way,it amazing how quickly they recover from what seemed at the time,as will he recover.

    Give it time Cathy he will get there,you just make sure you get some rest,when he comes out,it will get harder for you,as cleanliness,washing and cooking will take up you day,so try to have a rest now,if anyone offers help take them up on it,it all helps. Eve



    Hi Cathy,

    This is great news… especially the report from the Doctor re: the kidneys regenerating their function on their own, that really would be the icing on the cake… but I have known a couple of people where this has been the case.8-)

    I look forward to hearing about you getting Ivan home for the road to recovery… hopefully with fully functioning kidneys and steady but sure building of strength and vigour.



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