just a catch up with everyone

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Perkymite 14 years ago.

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    Hi Everyone,hope all is well,sorry i've been a little quiet,just been a little tired but ok. Well i'm on day 56 since i had my allo transplant and please to say all is going really,still having a few problems with my cyclsporin levels being a bit high,and my magnesium levels low,and now i'm a little anemic,but now with the right combination of tablets everything is settling down again,. I seen my consualtant this afternoon and she was pleased with how i'm doing,well i can't do anymore than what they tell me to do,besides i'm working towards getting my puppy in late summer,hehehhehhe. My 3days a week have gone down to 2 days every Monday for bloods and now every other Wednesday for clinic,over the next few weeks or when i've all but reached 100 days,they are going to whean me of the cyclsporin so that graft verses hosts kicks in,something i'm not looking forward too,but again its got to happen,. Anyway plenty of time for that,how's everyone doing then,i haven't been online for awhile,but Stephen comes on and has a good read,he's always reading up about something ha ha ha,anyways i'm off again take care everyone lots of love Shirls x x x



    Hi Shirley
    Glad to hear that things are still going ok for you! They are finally reducing me off cyclosporin too, although its only taken them 12 months! LOL! I think it has more to do with me needing the next course of treatment though!
    Wishing you all the best
    Love Sharon x



    Hi Shirley lovely to hear from you and brilliant to hear you are doing so well! Seems like you have a way to go yet but I am sure you will get your puppy before the summers over Take care love Bridget x



    Glad you are doing well Shirley. Word of warning re puppy our 10 week old is only JUST learning to poo and pee in the correct place. She looks so proud as she squats on the middle of the kitchen floor!! Her KC registered name is Courageous Cutey. Well she certainly lives up to that but we call her Anya.

    I hope your GVH is very mild and you continue to feel well All the best Gill



    Welcome Back Shirls,
    I was getting a little worried when we had not heard of you for a while, but Im so pleased to hear that things are progressing for you. Its kind of nice that you are begining to come around just as spring is about to come around the corner.
    Briliant idea to get a puppy for summer time as running in and out the house for the house training is so much easier when you can leave the door open( by that I mean dont need to keep jumping up to open the door)
    I sincerley hope your progress goes according to plan, your very very brave for undertaking the alo but Im sure your in good hands too.



    Well done Shirls, just keep going 🙂 .

    Gill talking about her dog's KC name of Courageous Cutey reminded me of my late Collies, Guinness, KC name ?Doubtful Russell?.

    Guinness came from a long line of show dogs, indeed he had a KC winner for a granddaddy I believe. However, he was wall eyed (one blue and one brown) and very big for a Collie so nobody wanted him, until we came along and saw him alone, unloved and unwanted, in the kennel with all his brothers and sisters gone and he saw a couple of real mugs who were going to give him a real good easy life!

    Kindest regards



    Hi everyone,thanx for replies,i had my bloods done again today,all results are coming back fantastic,i did wake up this morning feeling quite sick and very weepy,but ok again now. David you sound just like me,if i saw that lonely little puppy i would've fallen for him,my problem at the moment is that i would love a white westie,but i'm having trouble finding breeders in the Devon/Cornwall areas,i might suggest to Stephen first about going to a cats and dogs home,knowing me i'll come away with a scruffy muffin ha ha. I visited the Mustard Tree today and had a really good chat and a cry with one of the ladies who work there,i came away so much better,i sometimes forget they are there,and they are really lovely.Hope all is well,apart from feeling a weepy today i feel good,everything is going the way it should,speak again soon hope everyone is well take care Shirls x x x

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