Just back from Skiathos

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    Hi everyone I have just got back from a great holiday in Skiathos it was lovely and warm but not too hot 23degs most days we had a nice hotel the food was excellent so i have put on weight as if I need it but as My good friend Tom says onward and upward had a consultant app today and what a relief all readings are stable so I have got another two month let off PP remain the same at 4 HB is only 9.1 but thats as much to do with the kidney failure as MM so they are going to put me on EPO I will have to inject myself once a week so not so bad
    Love to you all Jo x



    Hi Jo

    And a warm welcome home (but the weather is not as hot as Skiathos though)

    And you are one "Onwards and Upwards" young Lady having good reading's 😎
    Enjoy the two months of no hospital its great when you are going longer with no Hospital visit's 😎 but am not sure about giving myself injection's?? but hey ho if I had to am sure i could 🙂

    Once again Jo Welcome Home 😎 and i bet your heating is on 😉

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxxx



    Welcome home Jo. I love Skiathos beautiful place. Good news about the readings, just keep stable now and you will be ok, and hang the pound or two 😉

    Kindest regards – vasbyte


    p.s. Just planted some Geraniums out today, a little early but it was such a loverly day I could not resist it.



    Hi Jo

    Welcome back from me too. Glad you had a great time and I'm over the moon about your results. Long may it continue. We are off to consultant tomorrow. Dreading it as usual. With a bit of luck we will get the results of the scan that was done 4 weeks ago!!

    Take care

    Love jean xx



    Hi Jo

    Great to hear that you are enjoying yourself. We are off to Spain on Monday. Can't wait. I'm on EPO self injections as well but I have to do it twice a week. It's not too bad once you get used to it. It's certainly a lot better than having to spend a day once a month having blood dripping into you at the hospital. What a palaver though to go on holidays taking all the pills and injections along.

    Keep well.




    Thankyou all for the kind thoughts

    Yes TOM the heating is on I am used to the injections as i had to go on insulin for my diabeties as i could no longer take the tablets and thats twice a day
    David I have got some geraniums in the green house but still not sure wether to plant them out or not we had a light frost yesterday
    Jean I will keep my fingers crossed for Frank tomorrow lets hope all will be ok
    Scott I hope you have a great holiday in spain I can confirm the palarvour but it is worth it I think EPO will be twice a week for me to start then if that seems ok back to once a week or so they say hope your kidneys are hanging in there mine are still just about ok
    Love Jo x



    Hi Jo

    Glad to see things are going well for you,sounds if you had a lovely time.

    Better get planning another holiday as you have another 2 months clear.Love Eve



    Hi Eve

    nice to hear from you is slim ok I have planned a week in the IOW with our daughter and grandson we are going in july
    Love Jo x



    The Geraniums I have planted in the garden look good, nice colour. The ones I have left outside my greenhouse, were smaller plants and a couple are looking a bit distressed (leaves go red), so I think I was rather early. I normally wait for the council to plant their borders and then do mine in the same week But for some wierd reason I decided to get the two main borders done :-/ I cannot even put it down to Dex 😀 😀



    Hi Jo

    So glad you manged your holiday in Greece and have another planned for IoW later. It is a case of making the most of the chances. I'm so glad your PP levels are keeping stable. You are a real encouragement to me.

    Much love.

    Mavis xxx



    Great news about your good readings,Jo!

    I am glad you had such a nice time on holiday.


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