Keep your fingers crossed for me please.

This topic contains 48 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  BADGER 13 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #105844


    Hi min

    I have tried several times to do my photo it always comes out blurred i must br doing something wrong but I dont know what :-S
    Regards JO



    Hi Min

    Hope your back is feeling better – Sciatica I know is very very painful. I have been doing my Wee excercises and I think I have pulled something in my back. But going to persevere. I was 58 when I took early retirement. I am not very knowldgeable about this sort of thing – so I got the Pensions branch (USS) and they put it in writing and I showed it to Frank who showed it to his accountant and the advice was to grab it – which I did. I don't know if different Pensions have different rules but as you say it gives you something to think about and if it benefits you – all the better.

    My best to Peter and keep well.



    OK Jo
    lets see if I can help you here. Sign in Press your name which will take you to an edit profile page. Press the profie picture, drag it in to the centre square and press the scale arrows on bottom left of your photo, until it fits into that square. Finaly press the save button bottom right hand side of your picture. Fingers crossed that should be it.
    Jean I am in agony, poppin pills, even reduced to using a walking stick while bent double. Feeling very very old right now. I know in the scale of things regarding pain mm sufferers feel this is trivial, but I dont do pain!



    Jo, it looks as if only the top left of your photo is showing.
    This means your photo needs to be made smaller to fit into the little square.



    hi Min

    tried that it didn't work I shall just have to get another image if I can remember how to do it i am not very good with technology.
    I have had sciatica for the last six weeks( agony )I have had some relief I went to an accupunture clinic it really helped with the pain thanks for trying to help me hope you feel better soon
    Love Jo x



    hi i tried to do that but it didnt work i think i need to use another image
    but i cannot remember how to do it

    Best wishes jo



    You need to go to the newcommers button and press the link for how to change your picture you must be signed in to the site to be able to do it.
    Print it off to make it easy on yourself. Or get a clever relative or neighbour to do it for you.



    Hello Min

    Managed to do it took a picture from my lap top camera hadn't thought of that, its not very good but you can now at least see my moon face caused by the steriods I am on at the moment to help my damaged kidneys, are Peters kidneys ok now mine are working at about 40% I luckily managed to avoid dialysis but only by the skin of my teeth my creatinine was 585 when I was diagnosed. Thanks again for the help

    regards Jo



    NIce to see you Joe, I am pleased you did it, the moon face is familiar to me as Peter has it at the moment.
    According to the Dr Peters kidneys are ok, or at least the figures show that, in truth he has puffy eyes on almost a daily basis,(great big bags under them) its like pulling a pint with regards to froth. And the oil slick left after flushing is sometimes frightening. Depending on wether he has a bacon sandwich he has to deal with swollen ankles. I am told that this is something that will not go away.
    He got his 1st Revalmid today at clinic and the base line for his light chains in a frightening 8750. Done two weeks ago so it can be assumed that today it is probably higher.
    But as there is no damage to any other organs its manageable provided the Revlamid works. Apart from feeing very tired.(Thats before he starts the treatment) he is reasonably fine. His kidney problems were nephrotic syndrome and never got to worrying about dialysis, but the size of his swollen body and legs was very very worrying.



    Hi Min

    glad peters kidneys are ok mine are good and stable at the moment but i do get swollen ankles in the evening but they are ok in the morning I think it is to do with fact I have to drink at least two litres a day which is really hard for me at the start it was three litres i felt like I was drowning, I really hope Peter responds to revlimid give him my best wishes
    for the treatment
    Best wishes Jo



    Due to all the fingers and toes crossed by the beautiful people on here, I have an appointment with HR on valentines day to discuss my redundancy package…………….yippee, I will be drawing my pension soon.
    Luv Min



    Brilliant Min. Will keep every thing crossed. Going to Southampton tomorrow to see our new beautiful grand daughter!!

    Love Jean xx



    Thanks, its just sinking in Im going to have a life again….. have a lovely trip and don't forget the photo when you come back, have a lovely time with your new grandchild. And of course her parents.
    Luv Min



    Hi Min good to hear you are about to become a lady of leisure!! Haha I bet thats the last thing you will be but I am so glad you are going to get time to do all the things you want Have you got the cruise brochures yet? love Bridget x



    Hi Min

    I resigned from my job on thursday, the liberation i now feel is amazing why did i not do it sooner! I am not old enough to a pension yet, but i dont care we will cope!! I can reclaim my garden and fix the greenhouse and play with my grandchildren, yippee!!!


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