More Personal Information Please

This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  petesilver 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    Firstly welcome and hello to all the new people that have joined this site.
    I am so sorry that you have had to join a club where nobody wants to be a member. Having said that you will get more support on here than anywhere else

    Could I please ask everybody to just give a little bit more info on their profile eg How old are you? Is it you or a loved one that is battling mm?

    Just a little bit more info would give the rest of us some insight into your fight against this awefull disease.




    Hi Gill

    I will do that this week end see how i cope with it?? but if it gets lost in Cyberspace dont blame iccle ole me Lol.

    And some one told me its your Birthday 😀

    Happy Birthday Gill have a good One



    Hi Gill,
    Its a good point you have made here, I also wonder just how many members we have on here! I know like I did, a lot of people read and watch before joining in, some I suspect may never join the forum to which we wish we never had to read or join!
    Tom says you have a birthday soon, so do I, Infact I have 2 just around the corner – 22nd March the first birthday of my SCT and the 25th my actual birthday, what a one I had last year!!!!!!!!
    I am in my early fifties and have 2 beautiful grown up daughters and am so saddened by the amount of younger people now being diagnosed with MM, I hope they soon find the causes and of course a cure.



    I know the answer to that……. It is about 3000 members registered ….. And you all know far too much information about me!
    Love Helen



    Thanks Helen,
    wow 3000 registered members.
    I went to a support group meeting last wednesday and met just 2 fellow MM sufferers who said they read and look at this site but do not participate and so would not I presume have registered, I wonder how many others like them there are too!!
    Considering on diagnosis I was told this is a rare cancer I am shocked at just how many are on here alone !
    Hope all is going well for you Helen.
    Love Babs



    Hi Babs apparently that includes relatives, friends, fundraisers, carers and patients. Our support group met this week too, there are some very nice people at it, one or 2 also read the site.
    I feel very well so it's rubbish that my numbers have decided to start climbing again but I knew it might happen. Just have to wait and see what happens next. My treatment is unchanged until after bone marrow biopsy next month.
    Love Helen



    I think my personal info is up to date but as I was diagnosed in 2004 i have been through a few treatments and other calamities so if anyone would like any further info just ask.
    I hate going on about all the things I have had happen but i'm always happy to share anything you would like to know….

    Being diagnosed in 2004 1 have a few issues but am still reasonably active but currently have a few problems which I hope will be sorted in the next few weeks.



    Hi Helen

    I just wanted to say hello 🙂

    Im sorry to hear your numbers are rising. I hope you can put it to the back of your mind, maybe in a box – one with a sturdy padlock, until the time comes. I dont know how it works, but could it just be some form of blip?

    Glad to hear you are feeling well though and the cough has gone!

    And nice to see you are getting plenty of holidays in!!

    Love Ali xx



    Hi Ali
    Thank you, I'm feeling really well now so it's a bit of a pain to have rising numbers, bmb after Easter to see what is going on, fingers crossed that it is a long time before I have to start treatment again.
    I'm just back from sunny Lanzarote, back to the freezing sleet and snow, can't believe it's still so cold. Has your mum managed to get away yet?are you doing something exciting with the children over Easter?
    Love Helen



    Hi Helen

    Brrr its just a little cooler than Lanzarote 🙂

    I too hope the treatment is a long way off for you.

    Mums doing well at the moment, still getting used to the maintenace regime, had a few little blips but touch wood things are ok. She's not managed to get away yet, though she is going on a cruise in May. She was told she had to wait until she had been vaccinated, on her 2nd doses she had a terrible allergic reaction and spent a few days as an impatient on iv antibiotucs and with cellulitis. They have now abandoned the vaccination plan!

    No plans for over the easter hols. My hubby is only off Easter Sunday and the weather doesn't look all that promising. Big family get together at Mums on Friday which I'm looking forward to. What are you up to? .

    Happy Easter

    Love Ali x



    Hi Ali
    I've been to stay with friends for a few days and shopped with my son, we are out for our 30 th wedding anniversary dinner tomorrow, so he needed a while outfit! Poor student see.
    The vaccination thing is different everywhere and must be a bit of a pain. Like everything connected to mm nothing is simple, bmb for me this week….. I'm getting quite twitchy about it all now…. I still feel very well so am hoping it is still a blip.
    Hope you are chocolated to bits, it's too cold for anything else
    Love Helen

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