More Positive News.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years ago.

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  • #101750


    Hi All,
    Last week was very busy for me, Tuesday bloods and assessments at Canterbury, Wednesday Kings,(IMEADIATELY GIVEN FACE MASK TO WEAR AS I HAVE TERRIBLE HEAD COLD), consultant said all my blood tests that day were NORMAL, he even looked amazed !! I then told him my plans to go to New York and Australia this year, he quickly said you should go on the myeloma uk site as it can prove very helpful, "I already have," I told him and how we have good travel insurance quote after reading advice from you all. My next appt at Kings is now Feb 2014. Yippee!!!!!Then Thursday collected my tablets for next month and had my Zometa from Canterbury, I mentioned my terrible head cold and would they like me to wear face mask but was told no need – anyway they only work for half an hour the nurse said !!! see so very different from hospital to hospital!!!!
    My husband has me walking to town as often as I can then we get the bus home – in training for our holidays – does everyone know about disabled bus passes which allow you and one companion free travel ? if under age for the pensioners pass apply to your county council, you need to send proof of your DLA award.
    I currently feel the best I have since before this myeloma started to do its evil damage, I have adjusted to what I can and can't do – still have days of frustration though, have taken heart from you all on here and look forward to enjoying my early and not expected retirement.
    Love to you all




    Hi Babs what great news. 🙂 It's always so uplifting to read. Hope cold clears up quickly and have a fantastice holiday

    Best wishes
    Love Jean x



    Go for it Babs 😀 . Wonderful news, and as Jean says, it is great to read these uplifting results.

    I go for my appointment on Friday, Mo and I are planning a trip to Mainland Spain in June so I will be looking for clearance of some sort (helps with the Insurance).

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Hi Babs,

    Wonderful news about your results and your holiday plans.:-) It is very inspiring to read about everyone's international travel. Phil is now 2 months post his stem cell transplant and he has been home from the hospital since January 9th. We aren't quite up to International travel yet but today we booked a week away at the end of August to do some fishing near Taunton and we are really looking forward to it.

    Enjoy your travels and I hope the cold goes away soon.




    Hi Babs

    Great News Girl, nest visit to Kings 2014 that is great news 😀
    Keep up the Great work am as pleased as punch for you Both.

    I have a Bus/Train pass but its only for me 🙁 the young bride (Elaine) has to pay lol.
    Enjoy your Holls and stay well

    Love Tom Onwards and upwrds xx

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