My husband has just been told he has got myeloma!!

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    My husband is 57 and has just been diagosed this morning with myeloma. What a terrible shock,no symptons as such, just started with a pain in his upper back and ribs 4 months ago – it does go away at times however and docs not convinced connected to myeloma – but it is one of the symptons, albeit he does'nt have the other obvious ones! He has to go back tomorrow for a skeletal xray and final results next Tuesday. Would really appreciate any comments or past experiences!!!I must add, so nice to put pen to paper to people who have experienced this, I dont feel so alone.

    Best regards




    Hi Ann,

    Welcome (?) to the Forum. As you have found us today it would seem you already have been searching the WWW. There is a lot of duff/out of date information out there. You only really need two sites this one and the Macmillan site. This is an excellent site and all the information on it is up to date and if that is not enough we have our own resident Myeloma Nurse in the form of Ellen who you can telephone free of charge.

    We have a mixture of Carers and Sufferers. But everybody will be supportive and try to answers the many questions you might have, if not now in the near future.

    I have Myeloma I was diagnosed in July 2009 and am at the moment fit and well, in fact I am just about to jet off to Spain for a week. This disease is very individual and what goes well for one person does not necessarily go well for another so take things as they come and at all times remain positive.

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Oh thank you for your reply David. Really made my day to think people out there do care!! Oh bye the way, we have friends in Spain at moment, weather is lovely. Have a good trip. x



    Hi Ann

    A warm welcome to the forum.

    Use these threads as your sounding board and ask manything you feel you need to know nothing is too sill a question so if you feel it ask it.
    David is correct MM is an Individual Illness.

    What Hospital will Hubby be having his treatment as I find it good if you know someone else is or had treatment in same place.

    Good Luck for next tues just take one day at a time.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Hi Tom, thank you for your response, there is a god out there!! As I said earlier, felt so alone, but now I know that there are people to talk to on the myeloma site to exchange views, ask questions etc.

    Pete is being treated in Musgrove Hospital in Taunton, hopefully I can get him to visit this site, just to talk, doubt though, he is stubborn!!!

    Kind Regards and best wishes.




    Hi Ann,

    Welcome to somewhere you never imagined you would want or need… but for what it is, who we are and what you do now need this forum is the exact place to be.

    You will find people at various stages of their journey and experience who will offer you advice and the sum of their experience of processes, procedures and the effects of MM on life in general… so settle in and question away.:-)

    What is your husband's name and where is he being treated?




    Hi Ann

    Welcome to the site. This is the place to rant, ask advice or just to talk. I know what you mean about hubby not going on site. My husband Frank was diagnosed in 2006 – not on treatment yet, but going for CAT scan and retake of bloods tomorrow. I cannot get him to go on forum. I give him info that I have gotten from friends on here but after 6 years he still has his head buried in the sand.

    Take care



    Your More than welcome Ann, and I think we all know how you and Pete feel at this moment, and I had gone onto some other sites before finding the good ones 🙂 so it was scary but a relief when I found these good folk 🙂 dont forget ask away 🙂

    Tom "Onwards and upwards" xx



    Hi Ann

    So sorry that your husband has had to join us, but I know you will find lots of support on this site.

    As you will be gathering MM is a very varied disease. It could well be that your husband may find he doesn't need to move to treatment yet, or perhaps just bone strengthening infusions. Sometimes it is just "wait and see" at the beginning.

    Best wishes to you both as you face this unwanted challenge.




    Hi Ann

    Welcome to this forum. My husband Henry was diagnosed in august 2011 after feeling really tired and having a blood test at the doctor who referred him to the haematology dept at the hospital. It was a real shock to us as Henry didnt actually feel unwell just really tired. He underwent 6 cycles of CDT and then last month was in hospital for a month having a stem cell transplant. He is now home and recovering very well, in fact he is thinking of going back to work in 3 weeks! It is not easy but you will get tremendous support and advice on this forum. My husband will be 54 this year. I know its not easy but positive thoughts and keeping busy have helped me through it all. Just shout if you need any advice.

    Kind regards



    Hi Ann, Just picked up you are being treated at Musgrove, Taunton. That is where I am being treated as well; I live 500 yards from the Beacon Centre. There is also another chap on the site, Chris the Biker, who is a Taunton sufferer.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte




    Thanks to all for your lovely responses. I visited the forum just to get it off my chest, never thinking I would get one reply let alone so many!!! As they say, it does help to talk.

    Kind regards and best wishes to you all.




    Hi Ann, I'm Ted from Leeds,I am quite old:-D and have had smoldering MM for about 5 years,no treatment at all so dont dispare yet wait until you get some info ask a lot of questions and then tell us and some one will help. All the best .Ted



    Hi Ann,

    Welcome to the site and I hope that it gives you (and maybe Pete!) all the support that you need. It was definitely my lifeline when I first got diagnosed and everyone here is just so welcoming.

    Take care and good luck
    Debs x



    Hi all, this is Pete (husband of Ann)! Yes!! she made me read all your lovely messages and I must admit I was very touched, it seems true that only bad things happen to nice people, judging by your comments and pictures (not that it should happen to bad people!) Went for my skeletal xray yesterday and so now have to wait until Tuesday for another consultation.

    At this moment in time, being a bit selfish because with upper back pain it has stopped me playing golf – been 5 months now!!

    I have found it so frustrating the length of time it has taken to get to where I am at this moment of time, just a waiting game, but I am sure you have all experienced this. NHS have been very good however, once they got the ball rolling!

    Thanks again for all your positive comments and support.

    Best wishes and thanks again


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