This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by tom 13 years, 9 months ago.
Hi everyone just thought I would tell you about my nice visitor today ( I know I need to get out more!!) It was my Macmillan nurse and she was lovely The first thig we discussed was pain relief , she is so knowledgeable about every aspect , and I am now going to be on Oxycodene – taken twice a day and Oxynorm for breakthrough pain Apparently it is much better at targetting the nerve pain in cancer patients Has anyone else been this , are there any negatives to watch out for? She is also prescribing packs to put on my back which contain Lignocaine ,as in local anaesthetic used by dentists. The packs are left on for 12 hours followed by a 12 hour break and are supposed to really help , new to me so I will let you know how I get on I think it will be of real benefit to be able to contact her as it is so difficult to get an appointment with the only GP who knows me at our practice As my back has been really bad today the timing was excellent ! love Bridget x
Hi Bridget,
Is this the first time you have had the benefit of a Macmillan Nurse? I cant praise them enough as Peter had one what seams like an age ago but its actualy 18months. She was brilliant and not just there for the patient, she looks after the family too, understanding how they are affected by cancer diagnosis. We have not seen her for over a year but know how to get in touch if needed.
Let us know how the new pain relief is going as like to keep up on these things for future reference for Peter. Hope they make life more comfortable and bearable too for you.
Love MIn
Hi Bridget
Oh I'm so pleased you have had contact with MacMillan, they are absolutely wonderful earth angels! The nurses up our way have a wealth of knowledge on so many topics likes of benefits and grants, support and counselling, and ofcourse coping with pain, discomfort and daily goings-on.
Like yourself, John used to take severedol but a few years ago the powers that be changed things around for the better. They moved him onto Oxycodone (slow release pain relief) and Oxycontin (immediate release pain relief). He found both worked well, however the Oxycodone (slow release) was stopped after a year or so as it was making an impact on his wonky kidneys and was given fentanyl patches instead. He still takes Oxycontin (immediate release) when he first gets up in the morning and throughout the day for breakthrough pain relief (can be taken every 4 hours if needed), it works well for him. He also takes Abstral which is another immediate release painrelief that he puts under his tongue – this is used more for an instant relief as the Oxycontin takes a good 10-15 minutes to get to work.
He also has the Lidocaine patches which numb his back – these are adhesive sheets about the size of your hand that stick on to his painful area for 12 hours at a time. John usually finds they roll up after a while as they heat up with is body, most especially when he's in bed with them (he wears them in the daytime but spends alot of his time in bed currently). These are great for pain relief, he likes them very much.
Hope this helps you Bridget, Johns been on the above for a few years now at varying strengths to suit his pain levels.
Sending healing thoughts and love
Angelina xx
Hello Bidget
so glad they are sorting out your pain and you will not have to worry about get an appointment with the Docs its like getting in Fort Knox at my doctors it fills me with dread if this new NHS thing goes through and they are in charge
Love and big Hugs Jo 😎
Hi Jo thankyou I know what you mean about dreading the changes in our GP systems I dont think they will be able to cope either Did you get a newsletter about the new cancer centre at UCH? It looks brilliant , especially having scan , x-ray and pharmacy all in the same building as treatment ! I cant wait for it to open love Bridget x
Hi Bridget
So glad you had a lovley visitor, the Macs are wonderful and know so much about everything cancer related, if they dont know they find out. Hope the new regime helps, GPS are completley hopeless on pain relief I know as I used to work with them! Gordon and I go straight to the local hospital now never bother with the GP!! Have no faith in her at all!!
Thinking of you dear Bridget I wish I could help, you all I can do is send you cyber hugs 😀
Sarah xx
I've been on oxycodene for a few months now and am getting on fine with it – no adverse side effects that I can detect so far.
Hi Kathleen thankyou always helps to know how other people get on with drugs . I am going to start mine tomorrow when I dont need to drive just in case the first one makes me drowsy ! love Bridget x
You know I feel so lucky when I listern to the problems some of you guys have. I am pain free and can do just about anything I want, with minor limitations.
Kind regards – Vasbyte
Hi Bridget
I didnt get the news letter is it on line if it is would you mind forwarding it to me Hows the cellulits is it getting any better
Love Jo xxx
Hi Bridget
Its good to know they are with you and very knowledgeable in the drugs regime that needs to be used, I dont have a Mac Nurse, but hope if I need one she/he is as good as yours 😀
Like David I am pleased to say I am pain free (ish) unless I push myself too hard:-S
All the best on this wet Bank Holiday
Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx
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