Nettie's finally gone mad!!!!

This topic contains 33 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Nettie 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi Everyone 🙂
    I've not posted for quite a while and feel a bit guilty when I read of the problems and pain that so many of you are going through. 🙁
    To make up for it I have decided to do something positive and raise some money for Myeloma UK.
    I am petrified of heights, so what have I chosen to do? ….. abseil off the Forth Rail Bridge on 2 October with Team Myeloma!!! >:-(
    My husband and friends have decided that this time I have flipped completely …. this is not what an 'almost OAP' with MM is supposed to do but what the heck! while I'm fit enough to do it, why not? :-S
    If anyone would like to sponsor me it would be greatly appreciated as every £1 helps. My sponsor page is
    photos to follow!!! 😀
    Nettie xx



    I am right behind you Nettie, well not quite right behind you well ok mayby a yard, ok a mile behind you 😀 I spent 15 years in the Parachute Brigade and I am terrified of heights !!!! My £1 or so will be on it way, best of luck. And remember Vasbyte!

    kindest reards




    Wow Nettie you are amazing there is no way I could do that how brave you are! Well you might be a bit batty but blooming heck that is batty at its best . I will pass the word about sponsoring you Thankyou Nettie for being incredible love Bridget x



    The best of luck Nettie. I am petrified of heights and I think you are very, very brave.

    I hope you raise a great deal of money.

    All the best Gill



    Hi Nettie
    Got to say you have got some guts!!!.but understand were you are coming from,My money will be on its way to you as soon as i work out how to do it,will put it on my facebook,people seem to find it an easy way to give.
    My son in law just done the three peak challenge in shocking conditions,the group raised 7000 for childrens respite.
    It makes you think if everyone did without one christmas present,and donated it to charities how much could be collected!!
    My heart will be with you,but my body won,t petrified of height.
    Love Eve



    Wow, Nettie, I really envy you as I used to love rockclimbing and abseiling when I was in the army!!
    I will mentioning your adventure on my facebook as well as sending some dosh.




    Hi Nettie

    Like everyone else i am in awe of the challenge you have set yourself!
    Hope you raise lot to make the effort worth while. I'm so glad you are feeling up to doing it.

    Very best wishes.




    Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement and support. I've booked a B & B that overlooks the bridge so I can sit and look at it all night before the event as I am sure I will not sleep a wink!!
    I'm not really brave compared to those of you going through ghastly treatments and my hubby is so looking forward to pushing me off the bridge if I hesitate – hope he waits till they have attached the rope!
    Love Nettie x



    Well Nettie

    You have more oo than I lol, Mad? No I dont think you are Brave? Yes I think thats the one 🙂

    Good Luck.


    "Tom Onwards (and just for this thread) and downwards" xxx



    🙂 Huge thanks to all for your support and encouragement! 🙂 just thought you may like to see the excellent article that has been written in my local paper; the reporter sounded genuinely interested and wanted to help make more people aware of MM as he, along with a great many others, had never heard of it. The paper also has a website so I have added the link.

    11 days to go and I am over half way to raising my target of £500 – so fingers crossed! 😉

    Nettie x



    hi Nettie

    how brave are you but go for it girl you will be fine never mind the almost OAP
    you are only as young as you feel
    GOOD LUCK;-)
    lOVE jO



    Thanks Jo! never thought I would be a "Page 3 Girl" at my age!!!!!!:-D
    love Nettie x



    Hi Nettie

    And what a great article 😀 and you are better than a "Page Three" girl 😀

    Good Luck and dont look down Tee hee 😎

    Tom "Onwards and (for you Nettie) Downwards" xxxx



    Thank you Tom ~ I was asked to keep the T-shirt ON!! :-S
    Onward and downward I shall be >:-)
    Nettie x



    Well I dont know why you were asked to keep it on:-S

    Me I have to admit I HATE heights:-0 so love the way you are doing it 🙂
    Posted the link on Face Book from your local paper 😎

    Tom "Onwards and Downwards" xx

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