This topic contains 35 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by jmsmyth 11 years, 11 months ago.
Hi all
Our new grandchild arrived this morning, a little boy 7lbs 1oz. After 4 grand daughters we have a little grand son (photo attached) We are all so delighted. He is in an incubator but is doing well. Parents over the moon 😀 Cant wait for visiting time.
Hope you are all good
Love Jean x
What a lovely little boy, congratulations to you all. I also had good news on Saturday. My daughter and her wife in Canada signed the adoption papers for baby Beatrix born 19th December 2012. She is tiny weighing 2lbs 12oz at the moment but is breathing on her own (still has extra oxygen though) and is feeding well. This is my first grandchild and I can't wait to go to Canada to actually see her in the flesh. That of course may be some time away yet as I am only just starting cycle 4 of VCD for Amyloidosis. Thank goodness for an i-pad. Loads of photos and videos comimg every day so makes me feel that much closer. It has given me such a lift at a time where I was feeling quite down. I am sure these things are planned by a higher power!
Hope everyone is keeping well.
Love Pat
Hi Jean
Wow he is a Little Cracker, one Handsome little Lad, I bet you are all well chuffed, now go out and enjoy the shopping we dont want to see him in a frock now do we.
Love to all 😀
ps can you just give him a wee slap as the devil has more hair than I lol 😎
Pat Baby Beatrix is a cutie, so so Tiny aww Now am gonna have to tell my Kids I want anotherone Ha ha.
Love to you all and your Grandkids
Love Tom xxx
Hi Pat and Tom
Thanks for your good wishes. Just back from hospital and they had to prise him out of my arms. They have called him Benjamin Francis (Francis after Frank). Too adorable
Pat Beatrix is a wee poppet – she is so tiny, dear love her. I'm sure you can't wait to meet her. This 'face time' is brilliant. I use it all the time to see and talk to grand daughters in Kent. Hope treatment goes well Pat and it won't be long till you meet her.
Take care Tom and Pat
Love jean x
Hello Jean and Frank
what wonderful news a little boy something to celebrate at last
Much Love jo jo 🙂 >:-) 😉
Congratulations to you too Pat
we only have one grandson but he is the love of our lifes just as i am sure your little granddaughter will be for you:-) hope you are getting on well with the VCD
LovE jO X
Hi Jo Jo
Thanks. He is so lovely but his nails are so long that he has scratched the face off himself ? they have put mitts on him,, they hope to get home tomorrow but as Angela is diabetic they may keep her in a bit longer. She won't like that as she wants home so badly
Hope you are well and truly over you chest I fiction
Keep well
Love Jean x
Thanks Jo. I thought you only felt this much love when you had your child, but my goodness, it is just as strong with with your grandchild isn't it?
Had a bit a set back in my treatment – a virus which affected my liver function stopped treatment for three weeks but started again yesterday and have been feeling a bit off today. Better tomorrow no doubt. You havn't been having a good time lately though have you? Hope you are over your infection now and feeling better. Up and down as per normal eh? We will have to think about going shopping to buck ourselves up a bit. Having my hair cut tomorrow as it has started to thin quite drastically and hoping to have a cut that will disguise it should it get much worse. Fortunately I have very thick hair so I think I may be OK but will have to leave off colouring it for a bit and let the grey shine through!
Keep well Jo and keep in touch.
Congratulations to all concerned.
We have 7 Grandchildren, 9 to 19, and they have been a great source of love, fun and amusement over the years. I never knew my parents/grandparents, the war, and It has been a great source of love and comfort to me to re-establish my family. My oldest Grandchild is now 19 and the first one to fly the nest and set up a home of her own. We have been so blessed with a loving family I hope you are too.
Kindest regards ? vasbyte
And then there were three…
Ethan James Crowther – born at 9:46am this morning to my son Ross and Daughter-in-Law Kelly. 😀
Ross kept me informed of progress throughout the night (I didn't mind being woken in the slightest… he was excited but nervous as well because Kelly had a hard time with Owen two years ago.:-0
So, good news all round8-)
Cheers everybody
Oh congratulations Dai. Isn't it lovely? I have been shopping on-line this morning and it feels so wonderful to be buying all these lovely little clothes for Beatrix. I love being a grandma!
Best wishes to your son and daughter in law, they must be over the moon as are you and your wife no doubt.
Love all round then!
Congratulations Dai and Janet
I'm sure you are both over the moon – I know the feeling. Best wishes to you both and the new parents 😀
Our wee man isn't feeding so they are force feeding (!!!) him at moment so will be in Hospital till its sorted
Take care
Love Jeanx
Hi Pat and Jean,
Yes we are both overjoyed although Ross is the product of myself and my first wife, Shelley. Fortunately we have always had a good relationship since our divorce back in 1997 and more recently, since my diagnosis in 2008 we have become friends again… Shelley is very supportive and she and Janet and Shelley's 80 year old Mum are very relaxed and chatty whenever we meet up at Becky's or at our children's events and celebrations. 😎
We are in rural Nottinghamshire and Ross is in Kent… so I won't travel down until the Christening now, although I know that Ross, Kelly Owen (2.1/2) and Ethan are planning to visit early April… until then we will have to do with Skype and Facebook for photo's etc. 😛
Ross is a prison officer on the Isle of Sheppey and Kelly teaches at another prison on the Island… The day of Ethan's birth, 31st January, was to be her last day at work before maternity leave. She was due to be induced on February the 13th… Shelley was due to travel down for a 3 week stay (mainly to look after Owen and generally take the strain off Kelly… but everybody's plans were thrown awry by Ethan deciding that enough was enough. 😀 Shelley was there by 11am next day… Becky drove down with her and is coming home alone tomorrow.
Ethan James Crowther was born at 9.46 weighing in at 7lbs 12 Ozs and started his first breast feed an hour later. Kelly panicked when she saw his eyes fluttering and that his lips had turned blue… Ross went out and shouted for the nurses who rushed in and rushed back out carrying Ethan away with them, He was put in an incubator and was fed oxygen… but he was back with his Mum within the half hour with the nurses showing little to no concern. They said it was a fairly common event with first feeds… he was so greedy suckling with his face pressing into his Mum's breast that he forgot to breathe.:-0 He was a bit fragile for a few hourd but was back to normal by mid-afternoon. Kelly and especially Ross, were frightened of Ethan going back on the breast but the nurses said that is was highly unlikely to happen again, now that they both knew what to look out for. Apparently Ross watches every second of every feed and quite often dives in and pulls ethan back a bit… I wonder how long Kelly will put up with that. 😀
All the best to all us new Grandparents. BTW, we are known as Mamgu (Mamgee – soft G as in Geese) and Tadcu (Tadkey) by our Grandchildren. 😎
Congratulations To the Crowther Family 😀 May I ask you to pass on Our Best Dai to you and yours.
Now aint this a great thread 😀 Any more pending births Due 😎
All you New Gramps amd Grams enjoy 😀
Tom Granddad of Six 😎
Congratulations to all you new grandparents. I hope one day I will join your happy gang!!
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