New Kitchen

This topic contains 34 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  tom 13 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #109565


    Hi Min

    Am sorry you aint been able to post ur New Kithchen Photo's:-( mbut if you want you can Email them to me and I would be pleased to post your Kitchen Photo's 😎 if you wish for me to do it for you send them to

    Only send three at a time though Min but send as many as you like 😎

    Love and Hugs (())

    Tom " Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Well I aint a clue whats happening on here I cant find this thread only got on it (i hope) by going through an old email:-/ well lets see if it gets lost in Cyber Space lol



    well lets see if mins kitchen will join mine ha ha

    photo attached :-/

    well it aint gone ???



    Hi Tom
    When you manage to put the picture on,let me know how you do it,because I havn,t a clue!!!,and I thought you might like like to see my magic draws lol.

    In the kitchen of course I have a very small kitchen,so space is important,did a silly thing when Slim was ill and had builder round did not finish jobs completely,just finishing off bits,but Slim could not take any more,so paid him off,said he would come back and finish another time only couple of hours work,cannot get him to come back to do work he was paid for.
    LESSON LEARNT do not pay for job not finished hold 10% back.
    So Tom I could do with a lesson on how to get photo,s on here.:-) love Eve



    Morning Eve

    Well I did it Posted Mins New Kitchen on this thread

    Dont know if the link will work lol :-S

    And why would anyone not want to see your "Magic" Drawers Lol, and never pay for anything up front as its bad enough getting them to come back to finish the job then get paid :-S

    I followed the Link on here its what the webteam put on to help "Me/Us " lol and I did it 😎

Viewing 5 posts - 31 through 35 (of 35 total)

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