new to this

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    Thanks for the warm welcome David. Everybody seems so nice on here.

    It must have been terrifying for you to break your neck getting out of bed, I just can't imagine. So good to hear that you are now fit and well though in the space of three years. I can imagine it has been a long three years, but you seem to have got there, which gives me hope that my partner will come through this horrible dark tunnel at some point.

    However awful it is for me, I know it is so much worse for him – and for all of you battling with this awful disease.

    It seems like the neuropathy remains a problem for quite some time after the treatment, is that really the case? It is driving my partner to distraction at the moment – I wish I could take the pain away for him.




    It tends to stay with you I think, it certainly has with me, but it has reduced in intensity. Now it is there but I hardly notice it, when it started I could hardly walk.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Tracey

    Just quick reply as doing this on I pad in hospital

    Slim takes Amitriptyine 10m to help him sleep they have just upped his dose to 25m because they also use this for PN as this is used for PN might be worth asking you doctor. Eve



    How is it going Eve
    Love Helen



    Hi Tracy
    I am a career for my husband Peter and really know (as does Eve and all the other careers reading this)just how you feel. You look very young to have MM in your life already that makes me so sad.
    Peter was also very ill after his SCT but it gets better and if the transplant works hopefully you will have a nice long time in remission.
    We are almost 8 years on from his first diagnosis and know people much further along than us.
    So come on here rant cry moan share there is alway someone to answer.
    Re neurothapy I have friends with other treatments for other cancers and they have the same side effects, On a lighter note on one vacation my husband had more shoes in his suitcase than clothes to help him be comfortable walking with his neuropathy.
    You also made me laugh creosote for painting fences long ago banned but now more chemicals into our bodies to help fight cancer!!
    Take care things will improve it's amazing what youy can endure and I am glad you have found this site it took me almost 8 years before I felt I could share with others and am so glad I did. Love Teresa.



    Hi Tracy
    My husband Henry had his SCT in March and he is going back to work tomorrow (only 3 days a week to start) and is looking and feeling so much better – so there is light at the end of the tunnel. He did go through a bad time in the hospital but he got through it. They only thing he still has now is a nasty rash but he has an appointment with the dermatologist soon so hopefully he can shed some light as no one seems to know what it is! I must say I am glad he is off the CTD as he turned into a different person on the DEX days – shouted at me for not doing the ironing!! I can laugh about it now but at the time I just ran into the bathroom and cried.
    I am waiting for an appointment to see a counsellor as i do feel i need to talk to someone as ive just kept going since august last year and now Henry is better its all caught up with me. Take care and keep strong. Love sarah x

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