
This topic contains 25 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  nickinoo 13 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #91069


    Hi Bridget,
    Just want to say i'm so sorry for you, but as others have said you are a fighter and can kick it's a**e! We're all behind you!
    Lots of love n hugs Lorraine xxx



    Thankyou so much Debs and Lorraine it never ceases to amaze me just how lovely you all are When this bloody illness throws c**p at us a message on here can make so much difference lots of love Bridget x



    Hi Bridget,

    So sorry to hear about the tumour. You Swear all you like. Come on Swear and Shout. Thats the way. You keep doing it then we all know your fighting it.

    Love and hugs to you,
    Your a star



    Hi Bridget,

    I haven't spoken to you for a while, but I do read all the mailings on this site and the under 50's . The last time we corresponded you knitted me a hat and I sent you lots of buttons.

    I am so sorry to hear about the tumour, but you have a lovely sense of humour and your a great fighter, that tumour doesn't stand a chance !!!! This bloody illness makes the most passive people into monsters – I know believe me!

    Onwards and upwards Bridget, keep batting back with everything and more that myeloma bats at you.

    take care , love sue xx



    Hi Susan thankyou for your kind words.I have stopped ranting now, and feel much better for it, and waiting for my clinic appointment to know what the plan of action is How are you feeling? Are you still in remission? love Bridgetx



    Hi Bridget,

    Yes I am still in remission and thanks for asking, long may it last !!, it's been 2.5 years since my sct and at my last 2 monthly meeting with my consultant (2 weeks ago) , my paraproteins were still 3, and he said the myeloma was stable.

    I hate this illness it's like constantly being under threat of having your future plans and happiness taken away at any time, but we have to carry on as that's what we have to do, never give up.

    wishing you all the best
    Love Sue xx



    Hi Sue thats wonderful to hear you are still in remission 2.5 years on and for many more years yet hopefully. I know what you mean about living with the uncertainty of myeloma but I suppose all we can do is live each day to the full and enjoy every moment As you say never give up Heres to staying well love Bridget x



    Hi Bridget

    Sorry to hear you cussing (i had to turn speakers down he he) am pleased it is all getting sorted now (gosh av a lot to catch up on since i was off the site)

    Cuss away Girl and I will do the same 😀

    Love and Hugs ((()))

    Tom xxx "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Hi Bridget, I am so sorry about tumour, but great that you listened to your body and insisted! Well done!



    Hi Bridget,honestly you made me laff with you good sense of humour,and please scream,shout and curse all you want,. Sorry too that this is bad news for you,lets hope its just a small blip and that they treat you well,for now keeeeep currrrsing,take care Shirls x x x



    Thinking of you Bridget xx

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