Not Good News

This topic contains 20 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  susannah 13 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #106173


    Dear Gill and Stephen

    Like everyone else I am devastated by the prognosis Stephen was given. Who knows what prompted the Consultant to deliver this news. I'm with everyone else on this – who can tell what the outcome will be once Stephen is on Revlimid. If prayers and good wishes can make a diffference you will prove the Consultant wrong!

    I am also with Bridget in that "enjoying yourself at every opportunity" is the best way to spend however many days we have left. Last week, on holiday, I just enjoyed sitting on a bench on Bognor seafront, with the sun on my face, even though I couldn't enjoy a walk with my husband and my brother. I am trying to "enjoy" as many small things as I can, as after all, it is the small moments that make up the larger picture.

    Much love to you both.




    Well said Mavis I agree,Eve



    Hi Gill

    Thinking of you both and I really hope Revlimid works for Stephen. Positive thoughts and cyber hugs winging their way across the channel to you both.

    love n hugs Lorraine xxx



    Hi Gill

    Just found the post were you ignored me!!!!,how dare you 😛 LOL, some one forgot to tell you scousers are thick skinned but are softies in side 🙂
    Seem to be missing post these days,but what I have noticed is that you are taking Stephen,s results very calmly.
    Gill you must be worried,I have noticed those early morning post when you have time on your hands,I call it my time,as it is the only time i am alone,gives me time to weep and get things out of my system,before I start a new day,with a smile on my face.
    Although saying that Slims started taking over my quiet time as he cannot sleep on Velcade,bit like passing ships in the night,at least the Dex gives him his energy back through lack of sleep,
    Post soon let us know how you are getting on Love Eve



    Hi Gill Im sorry to hear of your bad news but i think your oncologist is out of order. How does he know if Revlimid will work or not, Velcade didnt work for Michael (hubby) and we had to fight for Revlimid as it wasnt availiable in our area at the time, but it was never mentioned that it wouldnt work, infact Michael was on it for 18months and had CR. So hang in there. Even now hes on a clinical trial as he has had everything that is availiable, and our consultant has told us even if the Bendamustine hes on doesnt work there is still other trials going on.




    Hi Gill

    Sorry about your news only just read it sorry!
    The consultant is very very wrong..No -way does he know if the Revlimid will work..Michael went on that with the words the velcade hasn't worked but there is always the Revlimid. He also told me he couldn't say how long Michael had, he said if this starts working who knows. I'm not god. An no way is Stephens consultant.

    I want to wish you both all the best..Keep fighting the fight, my thoughts are with you
    Love Roz xx

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