This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by DaiCro 13 years, 10 months ago.
HI there
That horrible little nagging pain which did had (and ot be honest has never gone away) at the start of myeloma has reared its ugly head on Monday.
You can imagine are panick when it did, does anyone else get this or had it with the condition.
WE thought it was all a coincidence because he had just stopped the 80mg steroid dose, and also decided to walk to the pub 5 mins walk for a shandy with lime.
Your thoughts would be appreciated
hello susan
diagnosed mm just over a month and half ago
sharp pin point pain in front right chest rib area felt this was first indication something wrong this then overtime radiated across the chest area to the left, pain killers failed to completely remove but subdued it a bit
after ist dose of chemo and steroid tablets (first month)pain returned in full on right causing sharp shooting pains (spasm)taking breath away and stopping me from driving as no indication as and when this spasm would hit me
have now just finished first part of chemo and steroid (2nd month) same thing occured i couldnt decide if the pain was associated with possible indgestion, constipation bone or nerve pain
have taken laxatives, anti acids, also get a build up of phlegm on chest taking over counter remedy for this (cavonia) which also helps sometimes when phlegm broken up a bit and couphed
basicaly hitting it with anything i can think of because it stops me from sleeping properly also spasms when lying down, getting up from bed and chair
dont know if this has helped in any way but u are not on your own with this problem mm generaly causes a lot of pain
u have my deepest sympathy i have also tryed to vary my parcetomol painkilers with soluable sophodine 2 tabs in water every 4 hrs it seems to help but everyone is different
i hope other members of the forum will give their views on the subject so as to give u a wider view of the possibilities
Hi Sue a lot of us do have bone pain most of the time and it could be just that You should make an appointment with the doctor or specialist nurse to review the pain medication it may just need adjusting or even changing the type Try not to worry too much I am sure if your doctor has any doubts they will do scans and x-rays to be sure Either way its better to speak to them sooner rather than later love Bridget x
my partners the same,stabbing pain right side,On oramorph 10mg a day plus paracetamolbetween oramorph.As he feels better he is doing more.
He has only just started first round of chemo,and have been told there will be no pain!!!!!!! he is a lot better than he has been for months.the pain at the moment seems under control. it is early days,we just make the most of every day sun shining time to take the dog for a walk. eve
Pain is something that no one should have to suffer. My husband used to go to see his consultant and never remember to tell them about the pains. there was so much else going on and blood always overtook the conversation. then we would get home and I would have to listen to him complaining about the pain.
He was on 160 mg of slow release morphine and the occasional quick one(mst i think it was called) he also had 30 mg of codeine too if needed
While on CDT he had a dreadful cough and lots of phlegm and now he is on revlamid it has returned.
He had an X-ray at the outset plus a scan (one of those ones pregnant women have!) so not invasive and it was found he had water retention between the lung bags. Does not show up on x ray Not actualy in the lungs just the space around them. Needed water retention tablets to get rid of it. Plus anti biotics. This was what was causing his chest pain. He also had several collapsed vertebrae
He now takes 20mg of slow release morphine and more if he needs it. Or he tops up with a tramadol. He can still function and drive as normal
Please [b]Don't suffer with pain[/b]. Ask your Dr if you can safely increase the dose of morphine or whatever you are on. Paracetamol is a drug you are limited to how often you can take it and Solpadeine has a salt of some kind in it(Pete is not allowed to take it for that reason) Or ask for something different that will hit the pain properly . You don't have to wait until your next appointment to do this a phone call to your GP will do it. Peters GP rings his consultant if he is in doubt.
Covonia from the pound shop stopped him coughing then and now.
Keep well peoples and don't suffer in silence get help. It will make your quality of life so much better. Life with MM is hard enough so keep the side effects under control when you can.
I don't have the darn beast but I do hate to listen to it when peter is in pain, or suffering I want him to be as comfortable as it is possible to be given all the drugs and there side effects too. Comfortable is happy not comatose or whinsing
I think asking for an x-ray is not unreasonable and should help your consultant decide what's going on. As said above, the pain should be kept under control wherever possible and so do discuss this too.
Hi Sue.
ref bone pain and apologies to you. I am a) Over 50 and b) Just so technically inept and this was supposed to be a reply to your question. I certainly didn't intend to have top billing!
I have had a niggling pain over right ribs for several months. X- rays showed nothing but a ct scan has showed that there are several lytic lesions causing the pain so Zometa has been added to the drug cocktail. My point is that to rule in/ out any bony damage you need a CT scan as well as or instead of x rays because a CT scan will pick up very tiny signs of problems whereas an x ray will only show damage if there is more than 20% of the bone affected.
On the plus side I was told that I should notice reduced to zero bone pain within days of having the bisphophonates and since the damage is minor I can still ride my horse so quite a good day down at the old cancer ward.
Hi Susan,
I am almost exactly a year post SCT and my consultant has had to explain/reassure me that most of the pains I get are from the residual damage caused by the original myeloma and not indicators that mm is back. She has told me that because I am on eight week cycles of consultations it is far more likely that mm will be picked up by the tests rather than from pain generated from new disease.
It is a small comfort but I take it… mind you, some mornings when I wake up with an aching back or with a nagging ache somewhere else (several choices) that stays for most of the day, then I am wary and jittery. Usuall a good night's sleep, without lying in an awkward position, usually has me back in the world of 'living every day without fear'.
Yesterday was a bad day, today is good… and so it goes. 🙂
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