Pain that moves about

This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  tom 14 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi everyone,this is something I just can't get my head around so any ideas are welcome.
    For the last 2,months I've been suffering pain in my ribs,neck and shoulders.
    What seems strange is it seems to move from one place to another as if it's flaring up in one area then easing off and then starting elsewhere.

    My upper body feels as though it's been through a threshing machine,the worst pain now being in my left shoulder rather than the ribcage area.

    I'm in for a BMB on 5th Jan and another round of Blood Tests to find out if I've relapsed which seems most likely,I now have a Protein level of 7 after been zero for the past 2 years.

    Not looking good imo but I'll battle on.
    Pain or no Pain it won't stop me watching the Cricket.

    Happy New-Year to all and let's all have a great 2011.




    Dear Keith – yes I have experienced that before and am now. My main pain was in my lower back and now it is in the left ribs. Also my back just aches most of the time. Apart from that I am fine ……………….!

    I'm down to have some RT wich I imagine you will too Keith. Oh happy days!

    Good luck with your tests and hope you have a caring and gentle doctor when your BMB is done. Enjoy your cricket – it looks like England have it in the bag!
    Lov, Gaye x



    Hi Keith

    It sounds just like the pain I had when I was diagnosed. One day it would be the left side of my chest, the next day the right side! It puzzled all the doctors until somebody did my paraprotien levels!

    Sorry, as it does sound like it could be on its way back again. Take the sedation if they offer you some for the bmb!

    Love Sharon x



    Hi Keith

    My mum experienced a similar sort of thing with the pain. She starting getting pain in her sternum, then her arms, then her hip and back and it seemed to move around. We weren't sure if it was the myeloma but unfortunately it was. She had radiotherapy which helped enormousely and has been on velcade since August and is doing well.

    I hope the myeloma hasn't come back, but if it has, hopefully you will feel beter after some treatment and be in less pain.

    Good luck
    Georgina x



    Hi Keith

    Cannot help with your question, my husbands pain is in his back and seems to stay there.

    We won the cricket:-) 🙂 🙂 That has lifted the mood so much in our house, now suffering from Ashes withdrawl symtoms:-(

    Good luck for the 5th.




    Hi Keith,
    I think that you suspect what the problem is but cant wait for the bmb and blood tests to prove it. Peter was similar in that he had lots of pains in lots of places just before his relapse.
    I think the thing for you now is not to suffer with the pain but to get some pain relief until you get to your next appointment. No one should suffer pain in silence when there are lots of various pain killers available.
    Now that you have finished celebrating the cricket( don't care myself but do like it when we do well at any sport.)
    I sincerely hope your PP levels have not risen too much as the longer you can keep of medication (of the chemo kind) the better.
    Keep us informed of you progress



    Hi Keith
    Sorry to hear bout your pain 🙁

    Its a bit of a bugger really, me am not sure what bone pain is? do I have it? have I had it?or will I get it?

    Me I think I have had pain most of my adult life what with pulling back bruised ribs pulled muscle's, and they tell me it Arthur-Rightus he he

    Good Luck Keith 🙂


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