Patrick – still making me laugh!

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Roz 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi Everybody,

    As most of you will know my hubbie Patrick lost his battle in May of this year.
    As the last four years have been a battle with the B**** Myeloma it is sometimes hard to think what life was like before Patrick was diagnosed.
    Yesterday I charged up one of his old mobile phones and looked through the saved video clips. The content which included me and Pat's voice had me in complete stitches and I have re-run it over and over and have been in a fit of giggles everytime.

    His friends and work colleagues always commented on his sense of humour and now everytime I feel down I will play that clip and remember him the way he was.




    Hi All

    Whoops! I replied to Ellen's opening statement instead of starting a new discussion. I have tried to cut and paste but no luck so my first post in this section can be viewed by reading the one reply to Ellen.

    Tina X

    EDIT: Tina, I have moved the rest of your thread under this message. Regards Stuart. MUK WebTeam.



    Thank you, Myeloma UK, for including this new category which touches on a very emotive subject . Everyone grieves in their own way and we can now choose when we are ready to get involved in discussions raised here.

    Thank you Tina for getting the new category off to a lighthearted start! I am so pleased to read you are able to view your video clips and enjoy the love and humour you shared with Pat – grief does not always need to be tears of sadness – tears of joy from happy memories are very important!

    Love Nettie x



    Hi All
    Like Nettie, I to thank MUK for this site. Life is not so happy for some of us at the moment. Gordon died in august his father was in hospital at the same time and last monday FIL had his 90th birthday, still in hospital, yesterday he came home, today I went to see him, not his fault, but Gordon looked like him in his last 24 hours, every thing the hospital bed, the face etc, spent a lot of the day not feeling too good. Not to sure how i will visit again, why do 90 miserable year olds live and my vibrant, love of life husband do not. Sorry the bottle of wine is talking, sorry Nettie for not contiuing Tina's lovley positive post.




    Dear Sarah,

    No need to apologise, I feel just the same. Pat was so energetic and full of life and charmed everyone he met, he was a good person – why him?

    It must be so terribly difficult being in the hospital environment again, do you have someone with you?

    I wish I could give you words of comfort and a big hug but I know we will get through this truly unbearable time and if I knew how I would surely share it with you.

    Tina XX



    Thank You so much for responding to my request for somewhere to be able to chat without feeling negative an guilty.
    Like you Sarah its all a bit too raw at the moment, and my grief like yours is tinged with anger that some people are still drawing breath when my dearly loved husband is not. Peters Father is a typical example of this.
    We will never be able to understand who makes that final draw of who comes and who stays until its our turn.
    I find myself surrounded by memories and still find it difficult to believe he is not coming home.
    Almost on a daily basis I do a little more investigation into his wardrobe and drawers finding new items that i didnt know existed.
    A massive framed picture of the Queen behind all the hanging shirts…..What s that all about and what can I do with it?
    Tonight I ate a meal and fell asleep in the chair in a manner that used to be all too familiar in the past. It was lovely to sleep naturally although without the heating on I got cold quick!
    Im working out how to get thru all those food items in the freezer that were his favourites so I can make room for mine.
    The sauces in the cupboards are a constant reminder of his not being here do I throw them out or leave them there
    My car boot is absolutely full of all his paper work from when he did lecturing to the ambulance service and probation service and I cant quite get up the will to take them to the tip.
    Then there are the clothes when do I part with them?
    Its so hard.




    My dad Patrick passed away Easter Sunday and I have posted about his passing on here before to hopefully help those dealing with the same or worrying about facing it.

    Just wanted to add that my sister found some videos of dad on her computer she had forgot about and it was so great to hear his voice on them. The daft thing is he was moaning about my sister not looking after her lawn (he had so carefully laid) and moaning about the Sunday lunch she had cooked (only in a joking way) but this was typical dad so for us it was nice to see him as he really was and not some rose-tinted romantic version!

    It's still early days but, as the months go on I do find myself remembering things about dad and smiling not crying. Love to everyone on here dealing/caring/involved in the life of someone with MM. Mary X



    I am so glad this has come at last

    Thank you

    I miss you all loads

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