This topic contains 52 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by Vicki 11 years, 11 months ago.
Hi Ann & Pete,
I'm really sorry that Pete has been caught up in one of the side-effects to such a degree… I know it's not much comfort but there have been plenty before you with similar problems but they all got past this stage and then had a relatively smooth passage for the rest of their SCT's… I hope it's the same for Pete.
I remember having terrible trouble swallowing my meds… gagging on each one and I had a lot to take plus the ones added for the duration of my SCT but nothing like Pete's having to bear up to.
Best wishes for getting past the hurdle, I'm sure it won't take long for the medics to sort it out.
Your welcome Ann and how is Pete today ? am sure his mouth is still not good but it will given time. am sure he wont feel like eating yet by now? that also will come back am pleased to say.
Love to you Both
Tom Onwards and Upwards xx
Hi all,
Pete no better today, they put him on a morphine drip yesterday and whilst it has helped, he still cannot swallow – even liquids. Could'nt even manage an ice pop today! Horrid to see him in so much pain, but I know everyone is different in the recovery process and suffer in different ways.
Just waiting for him to 'turn the corner' now, Doctor reckons could be the same for a couple of days, but apart from that, his blood levels are where they should be at this stage.
Jean and Frank, best wishes for Monday!
Take care all of you.
Best wishes
Hi Ann hope Pete starts to feel better soon. It sounds as if he is having a real rough time. Great tath bloods are where they should be. Thanks for the good wishes
Come on Pete get better soon
Love Jean xx
Hi Ann and Pete
How you both doing. It's really difficult Ann, I remember it so well. The only way is up now! Colin seemed to do well on jelly for a while and then a bit of ice cream, but overall he was like Pete. Once it starts to clear though it goes quite quickly. Someone recommended Jaffa cakes and I took those in, they worked for a while too
Take care
Vicki and Colin x
Hi Ann and Peter
He is having a hard time,when Slim was like that,the nurses said as long as he was on a drip and trying to get fluid down not to worry about food,I would suggest old clothiers that can be thrown away,it is an emotional time for them,as there not use to being so helpless .
It will soon be over,cold milk seemed to help Slim and he still drinks a lot of it. Love Eve
Hi Ann and Pete
Awww Pete you are having it a bit rough I hope you soon turn the corner and feel better, it wont be long now am sure keep the fluids flowing and I asked to have the drip put back in when i was too ill to drink/eat at least i was getting something in and just ate Jelly and ice cream for days.
As you say Bloods are looking Good so soon be sorted and able to (though not wanting to) eat food.
Stick with it
Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xx
Hi Ann and Pete,
I too had trouble swallowing after my SCT, the pineapple juice definately helped, and like Slim I also found drinking cold milk helped and I was given oramorph just before meals and as for the tablets, yes I too had trouble especially 1 little one which I took 3 times a day and hated because it always seemed to stick in my throat, after being there for the 5 weeks and 1 day I was released with tablets to take home- including the horrible little ones….which I then read were to be dissolved in water then taken!!!!!!
As Tom says the SCT is do able but no getting away from it , it isn't easy, and as Eve says take in old clothes, there was one night when I didn't get to the toilet in time and had no energy to deal with myself so had to pull the red cord, the lovely nurse came and sorted me out but I just sat there crying as felt so humiliated and helpless, BUT the nurse was lovely and assured me this was all normal to them and part of the SCT road.(Sorry if this is too grafic)
Pete you can get through this and Ann you will too but it is equally hard for the loved ones watching us and feeling helpless I am sure.
Love to you both Babs
Ann and Pete
Thinking of you both… the others have said its doable, but b hard and it takes a chunk out of both of you for different reasons. Focus on the future and have a few things in mind to look forward to. The simple things will be wonderful as it never seems like you'll get there….a simple walk, a meal together, a meal out etc. all a new found pleasure!
You can do it 🙂
Thinking of you
Vicki and Colin x
Hi all
Well this is really going on longer than I ever expected. Pete on day 5 of morphine, still cannot swallow anything including water! The morphine is also making him a bit confused. He rang me this morning at 7am, thinking it was 7pm. The good side is, his levels are up and so he is out of isolation. Just wish this horrid throat pain would ease and I can get my Pete back.
Yes I agree Vicki, must focus on the future, because at this moment in time, never felt so low. I know it is not about me, but I just feel so sad and lost!
Thanks to you all for posts, they do really help.
Jean, I hope Frank is doing well.
Take care all
Hi Ann,
It is good news that Pete is out of isolation (is he still in a private room?) but terrible that he still can't swallow, I hope that side effect does not last too much longer. It is about you as well Ann, you and Pete are a team and I know how hard it is when you feel helpless because you can't do anything to make it better for Pete. It is okay to feel sad and lost, it is a difficult thing to get through but you and Pete will get through it together.
I hope as Pete's numbers continue to rise that his throat will get better.
Hi Ann
I know how you feel watching Pete in pain and not been able to help him. I do hope he starts to feel better soon. It is good that his levels are up. Ann exactly what type of isolation was Pete in ? Thank you for thinking of Frank with all that is on your mind. Frank in a room of his own – has been since he went in. You go into a little hallway type thing and when both doors are closed I have to put on a apron, disinfectant my hands and put gloves on before I open the other door. Every time I leave and renter I have to go through it again. Frank has not eaten anything as he is feeling sick but yet he has put on weight he says its all the water they are making him drink!!
Frank does not want any visitors only me. Our one son is coming home from Kent tomorrow and Frank is just not up for visitors. Ann take care of yourself and I hope that tomorrow brings Pete relief and that it is the beginning of him starting to feel better
Love Jean xx
Hi Ann and pete
I have never been on "Morphine" but i know folk who have and still are 🙁 and the morphine itself gives problems but its needed, Pete will get better soon use Ice cream and Yogurt (i coudn't do the latter 🙁 ) it will soon get better 😎
Jean and Frank
Well I know how Frank feels re the food 🙁 I also stuggled to eat so i used to order something that the young bride (elaine) would eat when she came to visit 😎 and Frank is doing better as i couldn't drink the water i had to to keep me well so i asked them to put me on a drip (that and the runs is a challenge lol)
As for the weight I lost and continued to lose weight, I am 95k now was that before i got ill with mm and went down to 67k oh and bald lol but weight and hair (not top of head) came back
I also dint want visitors slept all the time but it made me better
Good Luck in this SCT its worth it
Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xxx
I soooo understand how you are feeling. I had a few good cry sessions when Colin was in, and one with the nurses. Embarrassed but couldn't help it. It's a very emotional draining period for both of you. We can't think back even now!. It's so hard because you can't do anything and you want to make it right…
Has Pete tried the ice pops to help his mouth? Also with the morphine drugs,confusion etc. Colin wa like someone off this planet, either dropping off in mid sentence or waking up half way through and starting to talk garbage…..that was horrible and I hated to see him like that. Ann I understand completely why you feel like you do. Colin would be able to give the angle from Petes perspective and he wouldn't want to do this again in a hurry!
Keep your chin up, rest and remember to eat. Tell Pete to think of golf, and at least the blood counts are on the way up a bit….how long has he been in? Each hour seems like a lifetime 🙂
Thinking of you both
Vicki and Colin x
Hi all
Well Pete came out of isolation on Thursday and off the morphine on Friday. He was quite good yesterday, but today, bad throat has returned. Still not eating or drinking much and looks so thin, but at the end of the day, he has turned the corner!!!! I really never thought he would the way things were progressing.
Jean, glad to hear Frank is good.
Take care all and will keep you posted
Love Ann
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