Pete's SCT – so it begins!!!!!

This topic contains 38 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 12 years ago.

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    Hi Jean

    Oh thanks for that, hopefully Pete's consultant will say the 1.6 million is enough.

    Hope Frank is feeling a bit brighter.

    Again, best of luck for tomorrow, let us know how he gets on




    Hi ann and pete,

    Sorry to hear you had a disappointing day……been there done that and got the t shirt!. It's he'll isn't it! Waiting for those blood results to see if they are going to collect is a bugger! Colin did not even get on the machine the first attempt, or the second attempt. It was only when they hot the plerixafor that he just about managed to get the 2.04 million! Nobody told us what the right score would be…..although I seem to remember someone saying 2million nut that could be just relating to Colin:-) keep us posted, we do hope it goes well.

    Jean and Frank, that's a good sign with the pain isn't it? Chest and back pain a good sign. You might be up for a bumper harvest 🙂

    Best of luck.

    We are ok except colins dad passed away in the early hours of Monday morning so we are in a bit of a funny situation trying to deal with all that and keep Colin well 🙁

    Best wishes and happy Christmas to you all

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Ann and Pete,

    I think different hospitals do have different protocols, at Bart's in London they like to have 4 million for a transplant but I think it also depends on your size/weight. I am afraid I may have posted about Phil's number, he got 7.75 million, I was worried as it was not 8 million but reading about other people's experience I realise how lucky Phil is!!

    I hope the 1.6 million is enough.

    Take care,




    Hi Every one

    First Vicki and Colin, am so sorry your Dad passed away Colin I send my Condolances to you and your family at this sad time, please keep strong and well.

    Ann and Pete, well you know we all differ through all the treatments I was on the machine for 3/4 hours (see how fast you forget 😀 } and got enough in one laying (wasn't sat ha ha) for two transplants (yes I was in Pain, bad pain for about three days so as they say no pain no gain) but they put the stems (enough for two transplants) into three bags?????? yep how do you split three bags? they should have been put into just two bags one for now and one for "Years Later" but I had to have them all, and I think that is why I am so well and only spent 16 days in hospital.

    Jean and Frank, well read above I had back/chest pain bad for about three days (on and off not constant) and had a good show on the day so lets hope Frank is same.

    Love to you all.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hi Anne and Pete,
    Well done on getting the 1.6 million cells, that is really good going when the readings were under the magic '10'! Mine were so low first day, 2 I think, I was barely off the start line! No cigar there for me. 🙂
    Let us know what the Doc says, but remember that they will give you the best advice to get the most out of the transplant, it is a big undertaking, and you need the best chance of it working.
    Don't be too upset if they advise you to go back for more collecting, because they won't bother with the chemo second time, and they may decide to give you the plerixafor which worked well for me. The point is that if you can harvest 4 million cells you have a standby for the future, and as Tom said, they had to give all of his mega dose in one hit, no wonder the jammy sod was out in record time! 😀
    Have a great Christmas, and hope you hear soon from the Beacon.
    I am feeling really well, plenty of energy, and looking forward to a couple of office parties and a few 'medicinal' beers! Need a Santa hat to keep the head warm though – no sign of hair yet!
    Seasons Greetings to everyone!



    HI Vicki and Colin, I hope all is going ok with you both and Colins recovery. Has his taste come back ok?
    Really sorry to hear about Colins Dad, a real blow when you have enough to deal with already. I went though the same thing with my Dad a couple of years ago, and it is a pretty traumatic and emotional time, no matter how infirm or ill they have been, you assume they will go on forever.
    Our warmest wishes to you both,
    Chris and Lena xx



    Dear Vivki and Colin

    So sorry to hear that Colins dada has passed away. My sincere condolences. Best wishes to u both

    Love Jean x



    Hi Chris

    Thanks for your message. Not too down, don't mind another visit, (well I have'nt got a choice and the end does justify the means!!)

    Bumped in to Dr Bolam at Musgrove yesterday whilst there for bone treatment. He said he would get me in for an appointment in the next couple of weeks to arrange schedule.

    No hair loss to date, but I am sure it will happen soon!

    Oh my suppose my return to golf is delayed even further!!! Never mind, it will give the weather a chance to improve.

    Glad to hear you are feeling good. Best wishes to you and Lena for a lovely Christmas and a very Happy New Year.




    Hi all,

    Thanks very much for good wishes etc. It was s real shock for Colin as whilst his dad had been in hospital for pneumonia which in itself was serious we did not expect cancer and for him to pass away within a week of being told about it! The hard bit as you say chris is dealing with it all. We went to Stratford where colins parents live to do some admin, sort his mum out etc and she is crippled with arthritis!. That turned into a whole day and by the end I thought I'd have to take Colin to hospital, he was mentally and physically shattered!.

    I've taken the rest of the week off to sort things, colins absolutely shattered, over did it and is now whacked in bed from 3pm this afternoon.(checked no temperature or him feeling I'll. It's weird, Christmas cards on one side, condolence cards on the other 🙁

    Sorry to hi jack post!

    Chris, tastes are all back. How are u doing?

    Hope all works out for you ann and pete?

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi all

    Have'nt posted for a while because no news since Pete failed to produce enough stem cells in December for the SCT.

    I do visit the site nearly every day, just to see everyone's progress, even though it is good and perhaps not so good news at times.

    Well he hit the jackpot today due to a Prelixifor injection – 3.5 million which gives him a total of 4.6.

    The other amazing thing is that when the results came through at the hospital in Taunton, the consultant booked him in there and then for the SCT on 18th February!!!
    Exciting but really scary, thought we would have to wait at least 4/6 weeks for an admission date. So the journey does really begin.

    All of your posts these last 10 months have really helped us along the way and I am sure they will continue to do so – I don't know what we would have done with out your comments and details of your experiences.

    Best wishes to all of you.

    Take care

    Ann and Pete



    Ann and Pete

    Great news with the stem cells…..that prelixafor is wonder drug isn't it! Glad to hear things are on the move, but like you say it's scary all the same. Keep up posted on how things are going, and like I said before although an individual journey I'm sure there are common questions we all ask and worry about so ask away 🙂

    We are awaiting Colin's bone marrow assessment results to see how he's done….worry worry worry! He's able to be out and about and starting plans to work part time, sometimes from home and other times at work. Again being careful not to over do it as he does get very tired.

    Go for it guys…..have you heard from biker chris. Just wondering how be was doing?

    Take care

    Vicki and Colin x



    Dear Ann

    Great to hear from you and what fabulous news 4.6 million. Good on you Pete. Everything crossed for 18th. Frank has been waiting since December for a date and nothing. I'm a bit scared that he might relapse before he gets a date

    My best wishes to you both
    Take care
    Love Jean xx



    Hi jean and frank,

    Sorry you've had no date yet…..hope you are both keeping well :-). I'm worrying Colin has relapsed before we've even had his bone marrow assessment results. This mm worry messes with my brain I reckon 🙁

    Before his sct Colin had not treatment from mid July til he went in for sct end of October 2012 but they never mentioned his pp score so we did not know what he went in with! Best of luck to you guys x

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Jean and Frank

    Yes I have been looking at your posts and did wonder why you had'nt said anything about an admission date.

    I think Pete has been really lucky,obviously, right time, right place.

    Keep in touch Jean

    Best wishes




    Hi Vicki and Colin

    Hope all goes well for the bone marrow test.

    Not heard from Biker Chris, so if you are out there Chris, let us know.

    Feel for Jean and Frank, but do you think it is a postcode lottery!!

    Speak soon, keep in touch

    Love Ann and Pete

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