Pig In A Poke

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  eve 12 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi everyone just thought I would ask you all if I am normal or just weird as my children and grandson claim !! We were chatting about something one of my daughters had bought when I said " At least you didnt buy a pig in a poke" after much laughter and me explaining it was a saying and what it meant they then ,listed a lot of other things I say . Going through these most were sayings and phrases I have heard all my life and I am sure I havent just started using them Which means either my children havnet listened at all in 37 years or worse it just went over their head. Of course they could just be winding me up!! Do you notice yourself coming out with sayings you heard from your parents or grandparents? The only other one I can remember using recently is " Silk purse out of a sows ear" Looking forward to hearing your experiences love Bridget x



    Hi Bridget
    I come out with things all the time,and my kids think I am daft as a brush,I put it down to me being a Liverpudlian ,and my children are Southeners.

    They do say I am sounding more like my late mother every day,having three girls I get the last laugh as slowly they are all sounding like me,specially my oldest Ruth who has two girls,who never stop arguing.

    All my girls husbands tell them there like me in fact one of them said my kids were not born they were cloned think its something about them all being strong characters,upsets them no end . I would love to be a fly on there wall when this is going on.:-)

    Your mum,s still alive,so they must the likeness, Love Eve



    Hi Eve yes my eldest daughter is fast becoming just like me but she cant see it ! I realised years ago that I sounded more and more like my mum, although Idont want to end up saying the strange things she does since her stroke!! Still thats what makes the world go round and keeps history alive which I am glad to be part of love Bridgetx



    Hi Bridget

    Seen some posts on Face Book from you but not too many here. Hope you are doing ok. Going through the posts and came across yours. Here in Norn Ireland (as the locals say) we are renowned for "ulster isms ". My English daughter in law was home with son Robert and granddaughter Maddy at Easter. We hadn't seen Maddy since Christmas and when I went to take her from her mums arms, Maddy shied away and started to cry. I asked Kim if Maddy was "strange". Kim got so upset and said there was nothing wrong with Maddy and it took Robert some time to Make her realise that a baby being "strange" here in Ulster just means that she does not like strangers!! Nwill have to watch what I say to all you English!!!
    Love jean x



    I cannot think of any "sayings" I use although I probably do so without thinking.

    I do remember that there was a saying that went "If you want to know what your wife will look like in 20 years time look at her mother" and that would fit in with your comments. Although I must say after 49 years of marriage my wife does not look like her Mother 😀 . Best leave this post before I get into trouble 😀 😉

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi David
    You know what they say "love is blind" LOL Eve

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