Postcard from New Zealand

This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  BADGER 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #110573


    Hi Everyone

    Well we arrived!!!so glad we had wheelchair assistant,Slim was very frail after such a long journey,two days on and you can see a physical differeance.

    The posh shed is very nice,and we over look a valley out to sea,it would be so easy to sit there all day and watch the view and birds.well worth the effort,

    It so nice to set goals and achieve them,we both feel it has been worth while,i will try to put some photo,s on .Hope everyone is keeping well.

    Love Eve



    Well Done you two 🙂 gosh I knew you were going but now you have got their it seems so far away Lol.
    Have a great time you both deserve it

    Love Tom and Elaine xxx



    Did Slim get on your nerves with 'Are we nearly there yet?'. :-0

    Take it easy for a couple of days, enjoy those views and chill… i am sure that won't be an effort. Have a great time you two… meeting with family, exploring the Island, being plain old, ordinary tourists. 😎

    Lets all wish Slim the best of health for the next few weeks and may you both return rejigged, looking healthy and feeling fine. 😀

    Much love 🙂




    Glad you arrived safely. Sounds wonderful and that's just the first day !! Have a brilliant time and post photos!!

    Love Jean xx



    Hello eve,

    Glad you and slim arrived safely and can I say wish we were there! 😎 hope you both have a wonderful time.

    Enjoy! Love liz & kev xx



    Well done Eve, so glad you got there, how are the family? can't wait to see some photos. I think I'd spend a day or 2 looking at the sea, it's so beautiful, we stayed in a beach house for a few days when we went, and it was just fabulous to get up and see that view every morning. It's so encouraging to know you've finally got there.
    Love Helen



    Wonderful news Eve, thanks. I am really so pleased for you both. Photos, photos PLEASE.

    KIndest regards – vasbyte




    Sounds wonderful Eve

    so glad you got there and all is well take it easy and enjoy all that comes along the sun and the sea will do you both good
    Love Jo x

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