Posting Problems

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Min 14 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi everyone,Prepare yourselves for a DEX sound-off from yours truely.
    This site really SUCKS!!!
    Unless you can type like a 120 a minute super secretary you get timed out and your post hangs.
    I've posted a number of points only to find they have'nt gone through.
    Sorry but the old one although without the eyecandy worked much better.
    Well I think so for what it's worth.
    So it's goodnight from me…….

    Keith……tired and exasperated.



    Hi Keith

    Try contacting the web team they helped me when I could not get on the new site


    PS talking of eye candy where's your photo8-)



    Hi Keith, I generally type my "missives" in Microsoft Office Word then copy and paste. This site does not have a spell checker and I cannot live without one!
    Kindest regards



    Hi Keith,
    This explains why I had problems the other night. Fortunately, I used the windows copy and paste to save it and try again. David, I think there is a spell checker on here as I get the occasional warning. It just doesn't make any suggestions. If I can't guess what it's looking for I just reword things to avoid the problem word. That's when I run out of time. 🙂 Ron.



    Oh Dear keith,
    You Have got the dexitude today, don't worry we understand. You are forgiven particularly as you have managed to make me understand what happens to some of my posts; never thought of timed out. Just thought someone was getting personal with me for taking so long!
    Maybe the answer is to copy from time to time if your having a long think! or a cup of tea hee hee.
    I know you will be back to your old self when the dex has stopped. But keep on trying or do as David does and write it on word or something then cut and paste. I imagine your just tired, sitting at your computer when you should be getting your beauty sleep!



    Hi Keith
    Sorry to here you've been having problems posting. I have raised the issue with our development team and hopefully they will have this fixed shortly. It's probably just a setting somewhere that needs changing to allow more time. If you have any more issues with the site please contact us directly at We can't read every post on the discussion forum so problems like this can slip by if they are not reported. Please stick with us while we iron out these problems.




    Hi Ron
    Unfortunately we don't have a spell checker built into the site, although we have requested that one be added. If you are using a web browser other than Internet Explorer such as Safari on the Mac or Chrome you may get red underlines in misspelled words as these web browsers have automatic spell checkers built in. There is a free spell checker for Internet Explorer called ieSpell ( which allows you to right-click on some text and check its spelling.

    Hope this helps



    Thanks Stuart, I don't really have a problem but you have explained what the spelling warning is. At least it is not too troublesome, unlike some of the 'helpful' accessories we get lumbered with a lot of modern software. Ron.



    Hi Keith
    As a short term fix, I have found that posting a short message then going back in to edit gives you all the time in the world to add your thoughts if interupted by a cup of tea.
    Regards Min

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