Proscribed antibiotics after SCT

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Perkymite 13 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi Min you were curious about the antibiotics I have been proscribed after my SCT. I thought I would start a separate thread for it just in case it got into a long discussion!

    I have been proscribed Septrin, which turns out to be Co-Trimoxazole, as a PCP prophylaxis to quote my Doctors letter. It is all Greek to me, may be correct here because ?prophylaxis? stems from the Greek language and I think means ?Advance Guard?. So, he has proscribed them as preventative medicine. They work by stopping the growth of bacteria which causes infections such as: Pneumonia, bronchitis, Chest, Ear, Brain, Urinary and Skin infections.

    I was proscribed them at my first appointment (4/5 weeks) post SCT, and I should continue to take them for the next 12 months. I love it when a Doctor uses that phrase ?should continue for the next 12 months? and I certainly intend to. I take 960mg twice on Saturday and Sunday only.

    Apparently they can have nasty side effects and I was given strict instructions to telephone the hospital immediately if I got a bad reaction ? what that reaction was going to be was not specified. Fortunately I only have the odd itchy spot, which always seems to be in the middle of my back where I cannot reach it! From the Doctors warnings about the drug I get the impression that not everybody can take them, I may be wrong here!

    I hope this is of some help
    Kindest regards



    Thanks for that David,
    I am going to a Myeloma info day this Saturday, if the opportunity presents itself I will ask why everyone does not get the same follow up treatment after SCT.
    Peter got nothing other than Aciclavor if my memory serves me right. It seems like a lifetime ago and it was only last May!
    Can I have a straw poll and find out if others are given anti biotics post transplant and if so how long your remission lasted. Need to be for armed if I am able.



    hi min

    gordon had sct in november, and he is only on acliovar (spelling!) when he remembers to take it, plus mouth washes which he point blank refuses to use, hates the taste!

    hope thats helpful.




    Hi Gordon
    Nigel had his SCT scan the same time as you, he is still on co-trimoxszole he takes his Monday and Thursdays. He was told to continue for 3/12 however he wasnt told to stop them on his last hematology appointment, he also takes long term penicillin twice a day. Hope this helps.



    Hi Min, I think the reply you will get will reflect the individual nature of this decease and of course the individual nature of human beings. We are all basically the same but, apart from twins, do you ever see two people alike – rarely.
    I am lucky you might say I have a Consultant who I have total confidence in. I do not try to tell him with what or how he should treat me, I totally rely on his judgement. I just feel he is on my side.

    We all follow the same course which is governed by NHS guide lines. You might find this interesting

    Bear in mind that I think it needs updating, it does not talk of Auto SCT only Allo and it is not an [u]Authority[/u] on how wo treat Myeloma only a [u]guide[/u].

    Kindest regards

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