Radiotherapy Appointment Tomorrow!! Yippee!!

This topic contains 83 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  eve 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi Bridget

    So glad to hear your pain is under control, long may it last! I don't know where I'd be without radiotherapy!

    Hope you get the go ahead for the bendamustine, let us know how you get on

    Love Sharon x



    Hi Sharon thankyou . Its such bliss to have got rid of that awful pain at last !! Now I dont have to feel pressured to go into the hospice for methadone trial either , I really did not want to do that. I hadnt realised until last year , when radiotherapy got rid of the last tumour on my spine, just how precise and effective it was these days , thank goodness . How are things with you? I hope you are feeling ok lots of love Bridget x



    Hi Tom

    I can just picture you in a big nappy wet your pants indeed and your not that old either just a big spring chicken and a jolly one at that
    Keep Well
    Big (((((Hug)));-)
    Lots of love Jox



    Hello Bridget

    I am so glad the RT treatment has got rid of that tumer and your pain I have been really worrying about you I am also glad you didnt need to go into the hospice I hope you are now feeling well
    Keep well

    Big ((((HUGS))))

    lOVE jo x



    Hi Bridget
    Have finally finished my velcade!! Although I know it will take me a week at least to start to feel human again, have now got to wait til the middle of Nov for my pet scan to see how well its worked as like you my pp's haven't risen.
    I wish that they wouldn't leave us til we are desperate with pain before they do radiotherapy, I know when I had mine on my spinal tumours earlier this year I was crawling the walls and morphine didn't touch it!

    Love Sharon x



    Hi Sharon hopefully you wont have to wait too long before you feel ok again Thats such a long wait for PET scan though, mind you I have never had one I dont think UCH has access to PET scanner I wish they did if reports about their accuracy are true! I know what you mean about having to wait for RT I used to despair after getting the district nurses out to give me a jab but the relief only lasted an hour! Heres to pain-free existence forever! love Bridget x



    Nice to see you are doing well Bridget,ans to see that you Sharon have finished your Velcade,just looking at the way people have responded to Velcade, Dai not sleeping you Sharon tired out Slim not sleeping and no side effects,what makes the same treatment re act differently on people.
    Waiting till November for a PET scan is a long time,when i asked about one for Slim they told me it would not tell them what was going on inside the bones!!
    I am trying to think positive,if Slims well then it must be working,but in a similar position to you Sharon,will not have bone marrow taken till end of 4 cycle then results 2 weeks later.So results in November,New ground for us I don,t know how you cope with it Bridget,no guide lines to go by,except how you feel and MRI scan.
    Slim no longer has the pain in his chest,and MRI scan no change,so it is just plod on with treatment.We are managing to get away for a few days on his week off drugs,find he relaxes more and does not over do things.

    The way Slims loosing his hair he might be in need of one of your hats BRidget LOL Love Eve



    hi Eve

    good news slim is feeling alot better and you are able to go away for a few days it will do you both good:-) is it in the Camper
    Regards to Slim

    Love Jo x



    Hi Jo
    Nice to hear from you, yes in the camper only way I can get Slim away,only going local at the moment,mainly so I can take the car it just a change of scenery takes your mind off things.
    Decided to get someone to decorate as if I start it Slim will insist on helping,so clearing thing this week,and going away for awhile,painting and new floor being done while we are away.
    Will not be doing info day in London,whole trip is just to much.
    Have you any more holidays planned?,
    It is the first time since last October,that he has been fit enough and had any time off with treatment,finished today and will not be back to hospital until a week Monday for 4 cycle.
    Hope you are keeping well and that sword isn,t swinging above your head love Eve

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