Rant over Bank

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    We have been with HSBC for over 30 years. Business account, personal accounts, savings, pensions the lot.

    Now Stephen has mm at the grand old age of 55, and knows he will not live to receive his private pension he decided to cash it in. It will be worth dash all being left to me as it has performed so badly over the years and we would both like a holiday or two before he becomes unable to travel It is not worth a great deal as HSBC have lost thousands per year off it (that is a separate rant).

    He has been informed that he can get his premiums back if he has a letter saying he will be dead by next Christmas!

    If Stephen proves he will be dead within a year they will they return HIS money minus what THEY lost

    Our very pleasant (believe it or not) and much embarrassed bank manager also advised that we could get a far better deal by taking 25% (maximum they will give if your not dying quick enough) and investing the rest somewhere else.

    OK rant over. Thanks for listening Gill xx



    Oh My Gosh Gill, cant believe that, these banks/pensions etc. need their managers shooting!! I am not surprised you needed to rant after that.

    with love michelle x x



    Gill, this almost renders me speechless. And who is the person who has the job of confirming that Stephen will be dead by next December – his consultant, GP etc? Who would be able to at this stage because he is only at his first relapse? Have you made any decision or are you still in a state of shock and anger. The pox to HSBC.

    I have been with them since 1968 and I decided to rewrite my will 2 years ago (my original one was made in 1982 with them). They told me what they could do and then pronounced that it would cost me £6,000 as they would be the executors. I couldn't get out of the door quick enough and went to a solicitor where I was charged around £140 which was paid for by Cancer Research UK. So much for HSBC!

    Yours is a horror story.
    Love, Gaye xx



    Dear Gill

    What a load of rougues the bankers are!! They take no risk with their own money only ours, and when we want back the meagre amount that is left they then charge us for it!!!>:-(

    Hope there is enough for over for some holidays8-)

    Keep on ranting always makes me feel better

    Happy christmas




    Bar stewards!
    What a blow. Did you not tell him that as a tax payer you were now his boss! Or are hsbc one of those that did not get tax payers money to bale them out?
    Dont get me going on that or I will blow a fuse.
    Awful as it sounds, ask your Macmillan nurse if she can help you out here.
    Then write to the financial ombudsman, your local paper. The letters page of a few national papers, The financial pages of Express and Mail ect.
    Watchdog. on the bbc. Shame them with as much exposure as possible bad publicity will stop some one thinking of investing in the same product. You have nothing to lose Gill but the time it takes to type a letter or e mail.
    Dont sit back and take it without the same fight in your belly that MM has given you.
    You might just get enough to pay for holiday insurance!




    What a terrible thing to be going through. I so agree with Min, although it takes a lot of energy to deal with these 'jobs worth'- kick up as much fuss and as you can I really can't understnad how they can get away with this. As Min says put it to watch dog – write an email to them – write to everyone that you think will listen and sincerley hope that you get some positive guidance.

    Love Jean xxx



    Can you slip your consultant a Christmas Cracker and get him to say that Stephen's clogs will be popped by next year? If he is still with us this time next year (and for several after that) you can tell the *&%$£^@!!!ing Bank Manager that is a miracle… its happened before. 😀 🙂 😎 >:-)




    I would definitely write to them and explain to them how disappointed you have been with their attitude etc and let them know that you plan to take it further if they don't do anything about it. Sometimes (and I would hate to say every time) that does the job. Not that you should have to!

    Min, they weren't people to be bailed out (partly because they are cautious and charge more than other banks for the priviledge!) but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be thoughtful with their policies etc.

    Perhaps like with many companies, they need to have a wake up call to relook at policies? I hope you get to sort something out with them….it's the last thing you need when you are going through something like this. If you need me to find out who you should write to, in order to get the most direct response, I can do so!! Email me on gascoyne2@virginmedia.com (but please no hate mail!!!)

    Take care



    Thank you so much Debs for your offer to let me know who to write to I will be in touch. As for hate mail how could anybody be nasty to someone so pleasant and, obviously by your photo, so pretty.

    Good idea Min I am in the middle of filling out an online form to Watchdog.

    On a general note the advice to contact our MacMillan nurse. What does that mean? I have read before that people have a MacMillan nurse or a specialist nurse but we know nothing of these.

    Stephen has a GP who prescribes what the specialist tells him to (that's a rant for another time as the GP usually wants to argue with the specialist over the strength of drugs) and a haematologist/oncologist (the specialist).

    We do have a 24 hr number for the chemo nurses but that is for a total emergency

    Are we missing out? Gill xx



    Hi Gill

    The Buggers should be hung drawn and whatever the next bit is lol.#

    Me I would do the Press thing:-D apart from shamming the buggers it brings more attention for MM8-)

    As for the Mac Nurse? like you never seen one nor been asked if i want one?

    But on a brighter side My Consultant tells me to phone the ward anytime I need advice or feel under the weather, and He gets back in touch with me.

    As for my Dr :-S well I have never seen him/her them apart from the once when i was told I had MM:-/ Cant get in all they do is phone me back and leave whatever I need at the counter (dint know you could spread MM he he) and Honest I am Polite and Honest I am Pleasant and honest I am clean 😀

    So One Mac free and Dr free Tom xx



    Blimey Gill just when you think banks cant get any lower they do!!! In the circumstances your rant was a mild one !!Now I am set for a rant all day as its made me so angry !! love Bridget x

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