RCD Cycle 6 cancelled, SCT prep starts on monday

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    After a PP of 2 for the last 3 cycles it's been decided to move onto SCT. Having spent 5 months on all those meds its strange having 1 week off (just anti viral meds) before the next stage begins.

    On a good note I didn't find RCD too bad, I've managed to work every day, except for 2 days after each 4 day block of DEX when I took to the sofa and daytime TV! Constipation and dizziness were the other problems and the occasional nausea, but I think I have done quite well. I also have a theory that wearing gloves because it's winter has helped with getting no colds and coughs – mad I know – but when you think about all the germs on cashpoints/card readers 🙂

    I am due to have the slightly higher dose of chemo next week followed by 10 days of G-CSF (dont know how we'll cope with self injecting – another learning curve to overcome!). Then 2 days at Oxford for stem cell harvest.

    I have been reading the recent posts on SCT (Gerry and Peter – wishing you both speedy recoveries) and wondered if anyone has any tips for the next stage? I know we are all different but it's useful to hear peoples experiences.

    Thank you for any replies, and wishing everyone in treatment good luck.

    Sarah Jane



    Hi Sarah Jane
    I wrote a daily blog for my wife's treatment, so that all her friends in France could see how she was getting on, and reduce the need for lots of phone calls. If you want to take a look at it the address is: http://julesatthemarsden.blogspot.fr
    Go to November 2008 for the cell collection and Jan 2009 for the SCT.
    It's only one persons experience but I would hope that you might find it reassuring.
    All the best



    Hi Sarah Jane,
    If you search for SCT on the discussion forum you will find lots of examples of personal experience. I found them very useful. The Gcsf is quite likely to give you some bone pain so make sure you have some paracetamol handy would be my advice. The actual harvest procedure is not too bad at all but listen carefully to what the nurses say. I started getting some tingly lips for which the remedy was a calcium drip.
    Good luck with it all.



    Hi Sarah Jane,
    If you search for SCT on the discussion forum you will find lots of examples of personal experience. I found them very useful. The Gcsf is quite likely to give you some bone pain so make sure you have some paracetamol handy would be my advice. The actual harvest procedure is not too bad at all but listen carefully to what the nurses say. I started getting some tingly lips for which the remedy was a calcium drip.
    Good luck with it all.



    Hi Sarah Jane

    Stem Cell Harvest am sure you wont find that too much of a problem if like me you should find it pain free.

    The GSF injections well I had to go into the Day Unit and get a nurse to do mine ha ha Now way was I sticking Myself so i wish you good luck with it. (BTW it dint hurt its just me) during the Injections i had about two and a half days of Back rib pain but i never took anything to lessen it :-S .
    Good Luck with it its a longish wobly road at times is the SCT but it is a Doable and worth it 😀

    Love Tom Onwards and Upward sxxx



    Hi Sarah Jane
    Re injections , pinch an inch & slowly plunge needle in , do not hesitate, after 2/3 goes you will be able to do it blindfold
    Virtually painless , sometimes you might hit someting & get very small amount of blood , sometimes a little bruising
    Either way nothing to worry about !
    Stem cell harcvest totally painless , don't drink to much as you will be plumbed into the tubes , seated for a few hours !
    I have posted fairly regularly re my SCT , just check my posts , I tried to be factual all the time
    Just go for it & above all be positive , soon over & back home
    You will be low for a few days, off food with sore mouth
    But the SCT is a life extender !
    All the best



    Dear Sarah Jane,

    My dad (Garry) is still in hospital recovering from his SCT and has just turned a corner (his neutrophils are on the up). I think he would say that the harvesting is quite painless. He has two pieces of advice for getting through the SCT, positive thinking (like so many others have said) and making yourself eat a little even if you don't feel like eating. I'm sure when he feels better he'll be on here and have more to say about this.

    Wishing you all the very best,


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