Remission question for those with SCR/CR/PR/Stable IgG Myeloma

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sachbarnes 2 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi, dad had his SCT last feb and has been in remission since with undetectable paraprotein, and Kappa/Lambda levels normal.
    However recently the last several months his Kappa and Lambda levels have both been rising, even though the ratio was staying within range. The consultant didn’t seem worried, paraproteins remained undetectable. This month however, Kappa is upto 69+ and lambda is 39+, and the ratio has moved to 1.74, outside the 0.24-1.64 range that’s monitored.

    My question is, is this often ignored as long as other parameters are okay, have others experienced it rising without issue?
    I know for the definitions you need it in range for SCR but not for CR. So does it matter on its own?




    Although it’s worrying when any parameters start moving outside normal ranges, it doesn’t seem to necessarily indicate progression.

    Someone in my local support group had gradual increases in paraprotein levels over 8 months to the point that she was told re-treatment would be necessary, but at her pre treatment test it had fallen slightly so treatment was delayed. Her paraproteins continued to decline over the next few tests, and whilst they yo-yo, She still isn’t on treatment 18 months later.

    I’ve got IgG lambda myeloma but my kappa levels have been high, outside normal parameters, since SCT (Feb 2019). My uninvolved kappa lightchain graph results are long 12 month curves between 35 & just about normal. The lambda (involved light chain) yoyo ed alot over the first year, then was stable (though now might be rising above the normal range)
    About a year after SCT my ratio was slightly above the normal range, like your father’s, but has since had a downward trend, more or less to mid normal range.

    If my results are anything to go by, it would seem your father’s may be pretty normal. I hope so, but one to check out with his consultant.



    Thanks Jane. We had the consult, with his specialist yesterday and he isn’t worried. Dad also has an ongoing chest infection at the moment, so a lot of his other bloods could skewed because of that apparently. He expects the kappa/lambda to come back down eventually.

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