revlimid cyclophosphamide dexamethasone

This topic contains 19 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  Min 13 years, 3 months ago.

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    Dai you have certainly saved my (and Stephen's) blushes I have been in fits of laughter since reading your post. I was worried that I would embarass everybody so much they would not talk about it. I am now on the look out for little old ladies. I wonder if we could keep one or two in the garage and wheel them out when needed. HOLD ON I am now a little old lady 🙁 I shall be watching for people standing too close and shaking their head

    Wonderful news regarding your wife Stuart I hope that Stephen can emulate her

    Thanks also to Paul and Scott fot sharing your experience on this drug regime. I will post and let you all know how it goes for Stpehn but, after reading all your posts, I feel a little more hopeful

    Love from Gillx



    Hi Gill I have been cracking up since reading Dais post and I will definitely check who is behind mme in future ! However since being on Revlimid I have been lumbered with squeaky bum syndrome so any tips to ease the embarrassment are very welcome , there are only so many times you can cough without giving the game away!My grandson thinks it is great fun and giggles non stop though . Seriously I was hoping it would be less of a problem once I was off Revlimid , my problem is more noise than smelly which makes it a bit better but still a nuisance love Bridget x where else would you find a topic like this! Haha



    Hi Gill and Stephen

    sorry the second SCT failed but the new thinking is now drug therapy its the new big thing in America and when I was at UCH they said Dr Yong is the lead here I really hope this new regime works and gives stephen a long remmission I know about the dexitude I am also on a lower dose now but I feel a bit grumpy but trying hard to be nice;-)
    Love Jo x:-)



    Hi All

    I thought I would post an update on how Stephen is faring on the RCD regime. He seems to be coping with this combo quite well. His pp levels have dropped and the "dexatude" is nowhere near the level it was when he was on a higher dose. It was such a shock to come accross "dexatude" as you could not ever ever meet a more laid back and mild mannered person than Stephen.

    This time he is not nearly as bad tempered and he is aware of his grumpiness where as before he would deny it was anything to do with him and blamed everyone (me mainly) for being in the wrong.

    The bad side of the rcd seems to be on the loo side. Gripping pain, very unpleasent wind and 3 or 4 loose movements in one day. Then no pain, no wind and no bowel movement for 2 or 3 days and so it starts again.

    Mind you Stephen's best new friend is Radiotherapy. He is almost pain free and has stopped walking like a chicken (arms thrust behind him, head thrust forward and a lumbering gait). He is back to walking the dogs even though it is not as far as it used to be and we are off to France next week without him being very scared that he won't be able to cope with the journey (12 hours from door to door if you don't stop but we do now stop overnight half way) Why did we not get a place closer to the tunnel? Not us slap bang in the centre of France. Very French, very rural and boy do I struggle with the language.

    Mind you just sometimes neighbours do try a little english. We went for a quick pre dinner drink early one evening with an elderley couple (both retired teachers he is well over ninety) and it annoys him that although he studied English when young he has had little chance to use it over the years. He taps his head and says "I learn the english but now she all seem gone"

    One thing he does remember is when you toast somebody the English phrase is "up your bottom yes?" We smile and nod and say nothing, but I have made far larger mistakes than that I once told a neighbour that he was a tease to the amusement of all only to be explained to that the word I had used means when a woman teases a man in a sexual way:-/ His wife did a charade of what they meant by rolling down the collar of her sweater to expose a little bit of shoulder and fluttering her eyelids.




    Good news is always welcome Gill, and although Stephen is suffering the same kind of trots as Peter did on Revlamid and dex at least he is tolerating it and hopefully it works once he gets used to it. the radiotherapy sounds good too. all you need now is a smooth trip to your beloved France and your laughing. Albeit in the cold but hopefully the temperate weather of France will allow you to only wear one wooly hat to bed. LOL
    Are you there now or planning your next trip.
    Whatever ?..enjoy the freedom Revlamid gives you both not to be stuck in a hospital twice a week waiting for Velcade to be made up.
    Best of luck and keep us posted Gill and Stephen.
    Love MIn

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