This topic contains 119 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by tom 12 years, 2 months ago.
Hi Chris
You seem to be quite upbeat now, hope you get out soon. I got out 14 days after the stem cells went back, i still felt dreadful but so much happier as you say, with all my own stuff around me. Carry on in this direction, can't be long now.
Love Helen
Hi you all
Not be long before you are at home Chris 😀 then you can start to get better faster, just keep away from those bugs and you will still need to sleep a lot and if you are like me still keep the bathroom door open Lol.
I was also stil taking the Anti Sick Tabs for a few weeks after getting home so ask for them before you leave.
Tom "Onwards and Upwards" and like you soon Chris Drug Free 😎
Hi Chris…looks like you have turned the corner and hopefully be sent home very shortly…soon as my neutrofils hit 0.5 I was gone…although I was still fairly poorly I felt better being in my own environment…I agree with Tom get some anti-sicky tablets for your return to normality…good luck and stay safe…Phil
Ooops 0.12 n phils. Chemobrain.
Hope more tomorrow……
Cheers everone!
That's wonderful. You keep going! Sounds from what you and the others have said you are well on the up!. Colin is looking like a bag of spanners and his hair has started to come out, for the second time!. They are ploughing anti bios in like a rate of knots! So glad you are on the up, pending release at the end of the week eh 🙂
Well done so far and best wishes, thinking of you both. Hope Colin soon the same, he's not had montezumas yet so we've got that to look forward to 🙁
Vicki, and Colin who is just about awake!
Hi chris,
Just tuning in to you and Lena, hoping that things are going well for you. Colin has been pretty rough last 2.5 days but picking up a bit now, however struggling with food and drink!. Hope your tummy is starting to settle down after coming off the antibiotics. Wish Colin could eat a bit more,like you! Colins neutrophils are 0.45 we thought he said so there is a chance he might be home at weekend? Still need to get sickness and tummy issues under control. Not counting chickens though.
Who knows you might be home by now? Hope so for all your sakes. Take care and keep us posted,
Vicki and Colin (who is awake and sitting in the chair!) 🙂
HI All,
Thanks for the post Vicky, and for the update on Colin, great to hear that his readings are on the up, and I am sure his tummy will recover soon.
I had a resting day today, and felt a bit off, but my bloods are improving except my neutrophils which remain stubbornly static at 0.015. At this rate I will still be here at Christmas!
At least I had my neck line out today, so that is a big improvement except the vampires will be sticking needles in me again! and my tummy is a bit better than it was.
Lena has been bringing me my favourite things, and has been her this afternoon cheering me up, but I will be so pleased to be back home to look after her and the family again. She would love to post these messages herself, but her English writing and spelling is a bit slow, but she loves reading all your news and encourages me to keep up, so keep posting everyone! 🙂
At least I can still enjoy my morning dose of Homes Under the Hammer, even if Dallas will have to wait until next year!
Keep your peckers up everyone!
Chris and Lena x
Hi Chris and Lena..don't despair too much…I remember my neut's got "stuck" for a while and then they took off like a missile ( or so it seemed at the time )keep positve and enjoying the tv …I had loads of Dvd's to watch…ended up with square eyes 🙂 stay safe…Phil and Jan
Hi Chris
Sounds if things are going well,they have taken your tube out,well well they must think you will not need any extra,s to help you improve like platelets.So that must be good,when you start feeling better you tend to want it to constant,well everybody is going to tell you it will take time,its something you cannot rush,if you stop and think about it,it,s like major surgery only it,s with the bloods,thats why it takes 6 months to recover.:-P
The hard work starts when you get home,you become aware the experts are at the hospital,and you have to rely once again on how you feel,so do not worry about nuets,they will throw you out as soon as they can.Eve
Hi Chris and Lena
Its working well and it wont be long stick with it and you will soon be home, but trust me you are still going to need to be looked after for a month or so when you are home but the wait will be worth it 🙂
Keep Well
Tom "Onwards and Upwards" x
Hi chris and Lena,
I love the home DIY shows too! That's what I watch when colins asleep as he is now. Sorry your blood has got stuck but I bet by now it's on the move. Colin has had the opposite, bloods shot up like a rocket and the gcsfs have made him feel in agony and he is drugged up to the eyeballs and won't be allowed home this weekend til thats sorted. Chris you have done so well and will soon be home don't worry. Realise how hard it it to be stuck in a room! Make the most of it as I reckon when you are better Lena can find a list of jobs for you to do 🙂
Best wishes
Vicki and Colin who is now snoring (morphine induced!
Hi Team Myeloma!
Well, I have had the news I have been waiting for – the consultant has said that I can go home tomorrow, as long as nothing drastic happens overnight of course! 😀
My neutro's are up to 0.35, not quite 0.5, but I am otherwise well, and feeling good.
At Musgrove they haven't given me GCSF after the transplant as they prefer to let the aptient recover on their own, so I havn't had the pain that Colin is going through, but my back and arms have been tender. That is why my np's have been slower I expect.
Antway, one more night in my 'luxury' little room,which has been home for 4 weeks, and back home at last, can't wait, but I know I will have to take it easy…. Lena is very excited too to have me home, and I hope the list of chores not too long! 😐 She promises me not!
Love and best wishes to everyone
Chris and Lena
Chris great news you are going home and that you are feeling good. I'm sure Lena is over the moon as well. Take it easy and take care
Love Jean
That is wonderful news, so so pleased for you!. I'm glad that you have recovered so well, but remember as everyone has warned you must take it easy and not get over doing it!. I bet Lena and the family are thrilled to bits….:-). You won the race! Colin is definitely going to be in over the weekend. His neutrophils are fine, I think he needs some platelets and stuff but generally the tummy troubles and the rest are ok. The only issue is he has these terrible pains in the top of both arms, so much so it's hard for him to lift them. Still another story.
You enjoy your home coming chris, so pleased for you and Lena 🙂
Keep us posted on your recovery!
Vicki and Colin x
Hi Chris
Well done, so pleased to hear your news. Hopefully my husband Peter will be taking your place on Ward 9 at Musgrove in a couple of weeks time, I just hope he does as well as you. We have obviously been reading your posts, as well as Vicki and Colin's and it does help, albeit no-one is the same!! I suppose the record to beat being hospitalised is Tom – 16 days!! Good on you Tom. Pete said he was going to go for 14!!! Well no harm in being positive!!!
Have a great week-end Chris and Lena and keep us posted on your progress
Take care Vicki and Colin
Love Ann and Pete
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