second Sct – funding

This topic contains 8 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  eve 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hello all,

    Despite finally getting enough stem cells and having been given five different dates for admission, Steve has not yet gone into hospital.

    The delay has all boiled down to funding. I don't remember it being an issue first time around but it appears that funding must be applied for when it comes to a second SCT. It also seems to be a fairly new situation so I am just posting this to let others in a similar position know so they can check that funding has been granted for them. I think our situation was made worse by it being holiday period and they just could not get all the right people together in the same place and at the same time to agree the funding. Anyway it is all done now and he is set for admission in week commencing 9th Sept. It was a relief to know it was only funding that was holding things up, we were beginning to get nervous that some worrying clinical problem was causing the delay.

    I hope all is going well with all you others going through transplants and other treatments at the moment,




    Good luck Mari with the 2nd SCT and I hope the outcome is good with a very long remission period. I had my 2nd one in Aug last year 2 years 4 months after the first in May 2008. Unfortunately it only lasted 7 months but that is quite common with 2nd transplants but not always as I've known some patients get even longer remission times than with their first SCT. I hope this is the case with yours and at least having had one already you are armed with knowledge which is never a bad thing.

    Good luck and keep us all informed with Steve's progress.




    Hi Mari

    Hope all goes well with Sreve's SCT. I didn't know 2nd STC has to be funded. Keep well
    Love Jean



    Hi Mari

    I was wondering what was occuring with you two, but dare not ask! Steves SCT was originally set for before my Mums and shes been home for 2 1/2 weeks now.

    I think the time you have had to wait is ridiculous – and all down to funding?! makes my blood boil.

    Still, you have a date now for next week – just as you are back at school (go figure) and I hope its all plain sailing from now on.

    Did you enjoy your holiday?

    Love Ali xx



    Hi Mari and Steve

    Well done on the collection 😀 but its a shame to hear that to help stay alive after the first fight you then have to fight for money? gosh I wish I could Spit on here Yes Spit as thats what I want to do, the money we throw across throw across the world for half of that money to end up in corrupt hands? oh Rant over :'-(

    Hope some of that corrupt money is sent back and you son get the OK and date 😎

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Hi Mari,

    Good to hear from you…..I was wondering what was happening. I assumed Stephen had already gone in and praps you did not have time to post! This waiting game is really hard isn't it, for all concerned. I hope all goes well. Colins new date is 24/9 as long as the harvest works this time…..Monday coming, so fingers crossed.

    Hope the holiday went well x

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Mari,

    Post code lottery at work again? What heath board area are you in? But anger put aside for the moment I am glad that Stephen's got a date that you can work towards. A week on Sunday will soon roll along so don't leave the packing too late. Get your checklist drawn up this weekend and slowly put it together.

    A quiet Sunday for the Mephalan and a full working week with steady staffing will be an advantage for what follows.

    All the best, keep in touch and before you know it you will have him home.8-)


    Hi Vicki,

    All the best with Coliin's harvest… I hope that his back aches profusely and that he delivers the little blighters in their millions.:-)




    Hi Mari
    I have not been on for a while and you soon loose touch with present day situations,so I did not know how things were going.its a pitty it was not done during the school term as this would have been far better for you,but who gives a s–t about the patients not the men in the grey suits,they do not even give a s–t about there staff,It is going on right through Kent sad fact is they would rather have less patients,so they do not have to spend more money,it does not matter to them how it effects the patient and there families sad but true. had my little rant:'-( >:-(

    Mari my thoughts and best wishers are with Steve and you,I will be thinking of you both in the coming months Love Eve



    Hi Mari

    How are things going???? You must be back at school now.Eve

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