Secondary Cancer

This topic contains 9 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  sandie58 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    Well Stephen's specialist had good news and bad. The mm is not measurable in his blood any more. Unfortunately he has quite a few other bits plasmasytomas seem to be popping up everywhere, and after me pushing for an explanation Dr. S said "yes the easiest way to explain it is secondaries"

    But hey partial remmission is more than we hoped for and I am sure I will manage to sleep soon. Stephen is a bit weed off to have to face further treatment but agreed that he is lucky there is still treatment to be had.

    The lump on his neck has to be removed and looked at to see if it is part of the mm cells or a different form of cancer (please not Surely one type is enough to deal with) and Stephen is dreading the traipse to and from which ever hospital it will be (either Blackheath or Fawkram (sp?) Manor.)

    I hope that all of you who use this site are tucked up in your beds (Stephen is) and sleeping. I think I'll go and make a cup of tea. Anyone fancy a brew:-)



    Hi Gill sorry I didnt spot your post before I sent you a message Blooming heck no wonder you couldnt sleep! Stephen must be so fed up at the thought of more treatment and surgery , sometimes I have a weak moment and want to say get lost when told I have got to go through it all again. I hope the next results are better news for you Take care love Bridget x



    Aaaww Gill.
    Lifes a bi tch dont we know it. There is nothing that I can say that will improve your situation but I very clearly understand how you feel, believe me.
    Like you I find it difficult to sleep but the blue pills are wonderful at giving me 6 hrs which will do.
    Love MIn



    When I was first diagnosed with the Tumour in my neck they spent a lot of time looking for the site of the cancer, because they considered the tumour Secondary. I had a host of cat scans (so many that they started to be concerned about the dose of radiation I was getting) and MRI scans. However they could only find the one Tumour in my neck with no other lesions on my bones. I realise now reading your post that I have never really understood what a Plasmacytoma is/was so I thought I would Wiki it. The result is as follows.

    [b]Plasmacytoma[/b] refers to a malignant plasma cell tumor[1] growing within soft tissue or within the skeleton. The skeletal forms usually have other occult tumors and frequently disseminate to multiple myeloma over the course of 5?10 years. The soft tissue forms most often occur in the upper respiratory tract, rarely disseminate, and are cured by resection. Most but not all cases produce paraproteinemia. Solitary tumors in bone can be treated by radiotherapy.

    Hope this helps.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte




    Hi Gill

    I do feel for you,at least you now know,and the battle begins,we are still waiting on MRI scann date for this Sunday,then hospital appointment for everyday except Thursday,have just worked out the mileage and we will be doing 210 miles to and fro that week.

    I do not know which is worst knowing or waiting,Slim seem to take it in his stride,I am the worrier.Eve



    My relapse in the spring coincided with a tumour on my sternum which was growing rapidly – I was fortunate that it was due to Myeloma and was totally eradicated by my first cycle of Velcade.

    I wish Stephen every success in his treatments for his 'quite a few other bits of plasmasytomas' and I hope that after they have been eradicated and/or brought under control, that the myeloma remains immeasurable in his blood and leads to a long and happy remission.:-)




    Oh Gill,
    How awful to have that put on you too…I hope so much that they've got it wrong and that you don't have to deal with anything more than what you're already coping with.
    Debs x



    Hi Gill
    Very sorry to hear Stephen may have a secondary cancer. My mum is 87 and has been on chemo for just a month. She had an MRI scan because she has bone lesions and this picked up something in her breast. Hence we went off to the breast clinic and they were just cysts, but the mammo showed a lump in her other breast which they were concerned about. She has had a core biopsy and now we wait for the results. The Consultant said they would check to see if it was due to Myeloma or breast cancer. I can't believe I am hoping for the former, like Stephen my mum doesn't need another cancer as a primary. I only thought these lesions were in the bone so I was a bit taken aback when the Consultant said they can form in soft tissue too. I wish you and Stephen well in his treatment and hope the lump in his neck is part of the Myeloma.
    Love Sandiex




    I posted that 19 months ago and yes the second lump was mm. Stephen died. aged 57, on the 11th September 2012. He had mm for 4 years. He got very little remission. and 2 days after he was told he had 2 years left he got very ill and died within 4 weeks

    Perhaps you don't read all the posts put on here




    Dear Gill. I am so sorry to hear about Stephen. I didn't notice the date and you are right I hadn't read all the posts. What can I say apart from I am very sorry. I hope you are coping. Take care. Love Sandie x

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