?side effects of long term use of Bonefos ?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  john62 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    As a long term user of bonefos bisphosphonate (19 years) I now suffer severe coughing spasms, breathlessness and 'reaching'

    Despite investigations by consultants they have been unable to diagnose the cause. However Bayer state a symptom (rare ) is ''changes in lung tissue leading to cough, breathlessness or difficulty breathing'

    Has anyone on Bonefos had a similar experience and if so what was the treatment?



    Hi Margret

    Bonefos question I cannot help,but I was surprised you have been a drug so long,you do not give a great deal of detail,have you been Diagnosed with Myeloma or are you looking for an illness for symptoms????

    With the drug you are taking plus quantity and length of time,it must have some effect,why have you been on them so long!!!

    If you do not want to disclose details. Give Ellen a ring it,s private and confidential ,she can help with any questions or fears.

    Please do not be surprised,the people on here are not replying they are a good bunch but very unlikely to have come across your problem.
    My husband was on a drug for osteopenia ,which made him baulk then vomit ,the diagnoses was incorrect,calcium was building up in kidneys plus had hypercalcma it was Myeloma,but lots of people taking calcium supplements have problems, I know some drugs have to be taken standing up and a few hours between other drugs,they do not agree with everyone.

    This is a very broad answer,the best person to help you is Ellen. Eve



    19 years, wow, never heard of anybody being on these drugs for that long. In fact it was not long ago people on this site were discussing whether you should take then in excess of 2 years.

    Like Eve I will be surprised if anybody would be able to help. 🙁 Sorry.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Margret

    Yes I am surprised you have been on them for so long??? I was on Zometa for two years and was told I had to come off them as its only a two year thing.

    Eve is correct best to phone Ellen and get the Advice from her.

    Tom Onwards and upwards xx



    Hi margret
    I Hope i am asking the questian in ten years time
    Love john

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