
This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  KWilson 13 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi everyone,I am now experiencing involentary spasms in my right hand where my fingures freeze and stick together,and now the same is happening in my right foot.
    Could this be the Velcade I wonder?
    It started 8.30 Sat night and lasted on and off for around an hour.
    I go to the Hospital on Mon to complete my 3rd cycle and I'll mention it then.
    It was a very strange feeling and not something I've ever noticed before.
    Has anyone else had this?




    Hi Keith it does sound as if it could be neuropathy I am sure the hospital wil put your mind at rest though It must be very frustrating though and not pleasant I hope it goes soon love Bridget



    Hi Keith

    This is something else Michael got while on velcade. Even after it and he went on the last treatment he could not stop with these spasms and it is all down to the treatment plus the Myeloma itself.

    All the best for the future.

    Fight all the way




    Hi Keith,
    This was one of the first things that happened to me and still does but only occasionally. My toes spasm more regularly than fingers and I have found that Q enzyme Q10 does help with muscle spasms when taken regularly.
    Hope the hopsital were able to shed some light on whether your treatment is the cause of your spasms.



    Hi Keth, what did the hospital say?



    Hi Nigel,they said to keep an eye on the spasms and if they become more regular to contact the Hospital asap.
    It could be the start of PN in which case the Velcade dose would need to be reduced.
    I'm currently on 2.6 mil.
    The problem is that PN can become perminant if not addressed early,and that's one thing I don't want alongside all the other things.
    All in all though I think I've got off lightly with Velcade when I hear of other people's experiences,but I hope I'm not speaking too soon.




    I think it is a side effect but I also get spasmps in my hands when my calcium or potassium drop – what was your last blood test reading? Worth asking.

    I also find if I take a painkiller which contains codeine it helps with the spasms.



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