Ten year survivor after SCT

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Gill 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi everyone

    Just a quick note to tell you about a lovely chap I met last week when I went for my Zometa drip. He was diagnosed over 10 years ago and had chemo and STC. He is absolutely fine (now aged 64) although he says he still does get tired if he overdoes things – but don´t we all? He looked really well and he was really positive and upbeat.
    Just thought it was nice to meet someone who had done so well when you consider that ten years ago he didn´t have access to half the things we have now. – Hope this gives some encouragement to those of you who are either preparing for SCT or recovering from one.

    Best wishes to all

    Love Carol xxx



    Thanks for that Carol. It's my hubby that has MM and it always gives me a lift to hear good news. Hope we can look forward to some more.

    Take care
    Jean x



    Hi Carol,

    Always good to hear some inspiring news, thanks

    love sue xx



    How great to hear of a longterm success story like his, Carol!
    Thank you for posting about meeting him.




    Now this must seem silly to you all:-0 but am sure I posted on this one before:-S now if i did where has it gone:-/

    Aww well here it is again?

    Thanks for that Carol, its great to hear stories like this one 😀 warms the cockles of my heart, when you next see your "Young Chap" please give him my regards.


    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    I did not even see the original post until today. We have had computer problems or maybe I am cracking up. It was great to read your post Carol let's hope more and more mm people manage thje same

    Love from Gill

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