The Big Red Tractor Affect

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    I am going to have to apologise to somebody here. They mentioned that their husband just wanted to go and sit on his red tractor when he came out of hospital following an SCT. I cannot find the post and my memory, always been very poor, has let me down again ? sorry.

    Yesterday, 15 days after leaving hospital following my SCT, I suddenly got the urge to go out to my workshop and just handle my tools. Just touching the band saw, picking up a chisel, switching on the Router seemed to give me so much pleasure. It was then I thought of the Red Tractor post. I just imagined this guy doing just what I was doing touching things that have brought him and me so much pleasure

    Whoever it was thanks, it was a lovely thought.
    Kindest regards
    p.s. I rebuilt a Ferguson tractor many years ago when I was involved with the local football Club. They were built like the Russian T34 Tanks ? rugged, dependable workhorses.



    Hello David,

    I remember reading Sarah writing about Gordon wanting to get out on his tractor despite still being very fatigued after his second SCT.

    I do know exactly what you mean though, I knew Steve was getting better when he started to play his guitar again. The house had been too quite for too long, it was a good sign!

    Mari xx



    Hi David I know exactly what you mean My tractor moment was doing the washing believe it or not !!It gave me so much pleasure to do an ordinary task myself and the I knew I was home love Bridget x



    Hi David

    Mari is right it was Gordon who needed and sat on his quite large red tractor!! Still does every day, i am sure it has helped him no end, i am terrified he will pick up an infection as cattle and sheep are not that sqeeky clean, managing so far though.

    Enjoy your tools, i have not had to cope with anything like you and gordon but i am loging to get into my veg garden and use my gardening tools, sad or what:-/





    My pleasure was to stroke my guitars, even though I needed Janet to pick one up for me and place it in my lap. I was too weak to play but it felt good to hold it.

    My SCT was in March, I was stroking/holding my guitars my the end of April. I first successfully picked one up and played it at the end of May.

    And I haven't stopped since. 🙂




    No Sarah, it is not sad quite the opposite in fact. I am already looking at my garden, the Winter Pansies and Wallflowers have survived the winter snows well so far. I cleared the leaves off two large lawns the other day; I had to sit down for the rest of the day mind :-/ but it looks so much better.

    kindest regards




    Doesn?t time fly, March, almost a year already Dia. It just does not seem that long ago:-S

    Keep playing those guitars buddy.

    kindest regards

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