The Holiday Is Over

This topic contains 12 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  tom 13 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi everyone I thought I would give you a brief update on my treatment . After a four week break due to a very heavy cold I am now back on Bendamustine , Thalidomide and Prednisalone . Yesterday wasnt quite as bad as I expected following the Bendamustine infusion although I did get very cold and slept most of the evening I could at least drink and manage to answer Jeff when he spoke to me Today I have had a headache most of the day and spent the day dozing but in between dozes I managed to make coffee, put the groceries away and do 2 loads of washing so definitely better than usual I really hope this means I wont get such a bad reaction in future on this treatment it really is a pain to lose a day and a half each week . While I have not been having treatment the pain in my lower back has definitely got worse so fingers crossed it isnt another tumour !! As the only way to determine the level of myeloma activity in my case is pain assessment and mri scan I will be having one in the next two weeks I am very nervous about the result though especially after Velcade and Revlimid failing to work I really need Bendamustine to knock the beast back as I feel the options are running out ! Hope you are all well and enjoying the weekend love Bridget x



    Hey Bridget
    Happy new year. Hope this one is good for you. You seem to have done more than me today and I'm only on the revlimid! All I could do today was to pack the Christmas decorations in a box and cook the dinner! Still managed to fall asleep on the sofa again.
    Love Helen



    Hi Bridget, I have my fingers crossed for you.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte (as hard as you can LOL)




    Hi Bridget

    I too have my fingers crossed for you. I pray that the treatment works and the beast is well and truely hammered!!
    My very best
    Love Jean xx



    oH Bridget

    you are being so brave I hope this works for you I am keeping everything crosssed that it works you deserve a really long break from it all I hope the back ache is just a muscle problem and nothing else after all you have been lying around too much:-D and taking it easy ''What just two loads of washing'' is that all

    Love and big (((hugs))):-) 🙂 🙂



    Hello Bridget, you absolutely amaze me going through your treatment and still doing the washing and putting away the shopping, my fingers and toes are crossed for you! Hope this treatment works for you.
    Sending you hugs and thinking about you:-)

    Love liz &kev xx



    Hi Bridget
    Just caught up with your post and really hope this treatment works for you.
    I will keep fingers,toes and everything else crossed for you!
    Keep that head up and that ole glass half full or even overflowing!!!
    Love Lynxxxx



    Hi Bridget,

    My fingers are crossed too. Here is hoping a new year means fantastic results for you all.

    All the best
    Love Roz xxx



    Dear Bridget,

    You are such a wonderful woman. I have seen what these treatments do to people and I think you are doing so well to even comtemplate all that you are doing. You are always immensely supportive to everyone here and now its our turn to support you. I know exactly what you would say to someone else. Dont lose hope, there is always something else around the corner, where there is life there is hope. So dig in as only you can do, you have already come through so much. I know you have great faith in your Doctors and at UCH you have some of the best in the country. They will find something else. Recently i have heard of people receiving lower doses of melphalan after bendamustine, with a good success rate and even then going back to other treatments that have worked earlier in your treatment.
    We are all thinking of you and hoping this treatment goes well for you,

    Much love,

    Mari xxx



    Thankyou all for your replies and kind words I really dont know what I would do without all my lovely cyber friends lots of love Bridget xx



    Hi Bridget,

    The holiday's finished and you are back at work… fighting MM and surviving with all bells and whistles sounding… so here's to Bendamustine becoming your best-pal-at-work. With your courage and tenacity and Ben's ability to inhibit you have an excellent chance at knocking MM back. 😎

    Please keep in touch and let us know how everything goes. Some of us are not far behind you… so you are our pathfinder as well as one of our bessie ever friends. 🙂




    Hi Bridget

    I'm sorry to read your news, you have offered lots of kind words to me the last week.I send you my love and an ear if needed.

    Love and hugs

    Nicola and Micky



    Hi Bridget

    And al tell you you done more than me i am not sure where our washing machine is lol.

    I know that whatever this MM throws at you you will thrash it

    Lost of hugs and Love ((())

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxxxxx

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