This topic contains 27 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by adamsp41 11 years, 10 months ago.
Hi All.
Just a little update on my bloods tests from the end of cycle 13 (unlucky?) RCD. I called the day unit this afternoon and got my final result, the important one really, my PP level. My PP's are now at 12.35 :-0 down from 19.8 and at their lowest since diagnosis a long 18 months ago. 😀 to say we are pleased is a massive understatement. I was gobsmacked when the nurse told me I asked her to make sure they were my results 😉
I think I may have a drink or 2 this weekend when the effects of the cyclophosphamide have eased off a bit – CHEERS
Every day is a gift
Andy & Steph xxx
Hi Andy
I am so pleased for you and Steph. I am sure you are over the moon. Enjoy your drinks you deserve them, it's about time you had good news 🙂
Love Jean x
Congratulations, great news to hear – enjoy it to the max. Rebecca
That is great news, a very significant reduction, keep it up, no I mean down!!:-)
Hi Andy
Great news. have a few drinks.
Maureen & Ian
Good news Andy, you are doing so well, have a great weekend, San.
Hi Andy
They are great results! Well done you!
Love Ali
Ps everyday is a gift, that's why they call it the present 🙂
Hey, Well done Andy – great news next count pp's =2 😀
Kindest regards – vasbyte
Andy and steph
That's great great news 🙂 🙂 :-). It all started off with that holiday in Greece last year! ……one more holiday to Greece and that extra sunshine will see those pps knocked into touch! It's been a log slog for you, enjoy those drinks 🙂 🙂
Vicki and Colin x
That's a nice thought Ali, the present is a gift ! How's your mum doing? Colin is really knackered, he's been to work each week since 2.5 months for three days each week and its now telling….he's been exhausted for 3 days on the trot. I feel very nervy about it as he doesn't look that well either 🙁
Hope your mums doing good, have to be artful with the measles out break though!
Vicki and Colin x
That's the way to go Andy… we are so pleased for you and Steph. Another decrease like this one from the next Cycle and you could be in SCT country… if they still have that on the agenda that is… I certainly hope so. 😎
Janet has bought me a bottle of double chocolate stout and I aim to enjoy it… perhaps over 2 days after next Tuesday when I come off the second week courses of anti-biotics (its a complicated regime). You remind me of a friend at college who was diabetic and he would deliberately overdose on sugar sandwiches in order to go out and drink copious amounts of beer to compensate. Several times we would get back to his house where I would inject him with insulin to get the proper balance (he gave me instructions on how, what, when etc.,) a dangerous game I thought but with MM and the related drugs the most you can expect for over indulgence is a deep and restful sleep. 😉 😀
Great news. 🙂
Hi Vicky,
My mum still has days where she's really fatigued, not necessarily after shes done too much, just seemingly random attacks. We have started walking in the evenings now the weather is a little better and she can give me a run for my money so when she's having a good day its brilliant! I think the maintenance has a lot to do with the tiredness, after all its still chemotherapy isn't it? She's looking forward to her cruise next month 🙂 still got mega curly hair, my brother asked her last week if shed had perm lol. She's having her first cut on Friday, she's really nervous about it. We are off for her monthly check and to pick up her bag of meds tomorrow.
Maybe Colins overdoing it abit, but I admire his get up and go. I know what you mean about being nervy, mums had an aching back for a week or so and you can't help thinking can you?
I will say goodnight now
Love Ali x
Hi Andy
Brilliant news for you and Steph, it taken a long time but lets hope the pps stay down there for a very long time. I'm so pleased.
Dai .. nice to see you are staying on the straight and narrow with this treatment so far
Ali it's good to hear your mum is doing so well
And Vikki I admire Colin's get up and go back to work but is it not a bit too soon for 3 days at work?
Love Helen
Hi Ali, Helen and all,
I was so pleased to read about Andy…it's great 🙂
Ali and Helen, I've been really worried this last week and can't say anything to Colin. Since he had that bad tummy just before Easter he hasn't been right. He went to work for 3 days on the trot after Easter and then last weekend he felt unwell and since then he has been a wet rag, no work at all and just about managing to walk around the house, and get some lunch. He's shattered by 7 o'clock and in bed…..would that be normal tiredness if he'd over done it? This is the longest period he has felt so tired after sct and I am petrified he has relapsed and can't say anything. He doesn't have any pain and is eating well….am I being paranoid? He has had some good days in the past but now seems to have less energy than before! We've got nothing to measure it by and don't know what normal. He had sct 3 November coming out of hospital 25 November?
Ali, glad to hear your mum is going ok and they are at last going on holiday…..does she still need snooze in the day? I remember eve mentioning the curly hair and Colin's has been the same and he hates it!!,
Helen, how are you doing? Are you still well, have you any treatment plan yet 🙁
Dear Vikki
I don't know what is normal and not normal still! I took nigh on a year to recover enough after sct to go back to work! So maybe Colin is trying too hard, who knows . Like Ali's mum, we have to do what we feel is best on that day! I have good days still, then I have really bad days where I struggle to get in to work, need lots of painkillers and at times I feel my work colleagues must be sick of me. Then I have other days where i am quite good. I have no where near the drive and energy I had before, even just before diagnosis, so it's a very different life I lead. I hate noise and lots of people now, whereas before I was a bit of a party animal. I suppose Colin might be sickening for something? Maybe if he's still like this and cranky too he should be persuaded to go see the doc, maybe he's a bit down? He might be having an optimism dip?
I'm hoping bmb result this week will show less than 5% and so can wait a long time before more treatment is needed. I have everything crossed!
Love Helen
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