Travel Insurance

This topic contains 18 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  phil47 9 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hi to you all that replied and thank you for your suggestions.

    I have been to Australia and returned via Hong Kong.

    My online insurance was very reasonable. When I can I will get onto my laptop and find the name of it. Frozen out with Windows 10 at moment.

    For Australia it is worth remembering that there is a reciprocal arrangement similar to the European Health Card. Not well publisised but it is there on the Australian Web site. Won’t get you home but at least it will get you into hospital.

    My only concern with all these Insurance companies is “how good are they when required “. Hopefully we will not need then.

    Regards to all




    my dad recently travelled to USA and stayed for a week then travelled back on Queen Mary 2 and he got insurance either with insureandgo or staysure, can’t remember which. Dad is 74 and mum 72, dad was diagnosed in April 2014 and now good partial remission but not able to have stem cell transplant. The total cost was about £350, I think which isn’t bad for USA. Other myeloma sufferers  have suggested:

    World First


    Hope this helps



    Thanks so much for this info. Your dad sounds like me. I 73 not going to have stem cell treatment. Been of first round of treatment now for over a year . Bloods all good light chains just 102.  Nopains and back to doing normal things. See consultant again end of October  (4 months since last visit). Will try these other insurers. Thanks for te nfo.



    I have just taken out an annual policy worldwide (excl USA) with World First for £134. The annual policy was only £4 more than a single trip policy to Dubai for 3 weeks! Last year an annual policy (inc USA) was cheaper than 2 single trip policies for a week in Vegas and a week in Egypt.
    World First do use a different questionnaire to most the companies though and there are a lot more questions. They ask about blood counts, which the standard questionnaire other insurance companies use dont but they’ve still agreed to cover me even though my RBC is below normal range (would have bee £114 if normal), though they wouldn’t when my WBC count has been low. When they haven’t covered me I have used Avanti, Freedom and TravelTime.
    Best Wishes

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by  phil47.
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