Travel Insurance

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    My husband has been diagnosed by his gp today that he has myeloma, he recently had a mri
    We had booked to go away to Poland next week, I am having difficulty in getting travel insurance. Can anyone tell me the best place to go to. Many thanks



    I have used many times and only paid £100 when went on a cruise round the Med. The website is very easy to use. It will ask if you’ve had any recent treatment eg Stem Cell transplant or if your waiting for any surgery etc. Good luck and stay posted I’ve I am almost 6 years in and know two people who are 15yrs into treatment. Have a good holiday x




    There’s a section on the website with some specialist insurers listed on a Infosheet.

    We’ve got worldwide insurance from a packaged bank account and I paid around £100 extra for declaring my wifes Myeloma. This mightn’t be an option for this trip but worth exploring for the future.

    Good luck and enjoy your trip. We’ve traveled loads over the last three years since my wifes stem cell, and even sneaked in a trip during treatment.




    We use Covered 2 go which is very reasonable and seems to give good level of cover.

    Good luck



    Thank you for replies, I will look them up tomorrow.

    Hubby just gone to bed after a day of pain. I feel helpless that I cannot ease his pain in any way. Also feel very lonely do not know where to turn to for chat and support



    If you haven’t done already I suggest you join the UK Myeloma Support Group Facebook page. There’s a file on there regarding travel insurance. I have found it an invaluable support and source of information. I think I used Freedom Insure.




    Dear welshwife,

    What a shock for you both. I do hope that you managed to sort out some travel insurance from the suggestions above and that you’ve managed to get away to Poland with a safe journey and that your time there will be beneficial to you both.

    I am a patient rather than a carer (and I do wonder if the carer has the more challenging role), diagnosed in June 2012. I found that once I started treatment, it did begin to address the pain and I was amazed that I started feeling ‘better’, even with the side-effects. I have just started second-line treatment and, after being in so much pain since last May, it is beginning to ease again. Phew!

    In the meantime – and this is obviously personal and depends on each person’s own medical condition – I find that the tablets that are a combination of paracetamol and codeine/co-codamol really help soothe night-time pain. I don’t use them in the day time or all the time as they can cause addiction but on a bad night they can be very helpful. Certainly in England they are available behind the counter at places like Boots. Also getting a memory-foam mattress has helped with night-pain too.

    Once you return to England, I hope you will find plenty of support on this Forum or at a local group or via the Myeloma UK helplines. It felt so very daunting at the beginning. I remember asking my husband to scan the Internet for any stories of hope he could find. Everyone’s Myeloma journey is unique, but I found the possibility of hope a really great tonic and has helped me through these first seven + years so far.


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