Treatment, at last

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Perkymite 13 years, 12 months ago.

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    Prompted by only me asking how things were with my Dad I thought I'd give an update, finally on Tuesday he was given his CTD. We left with a couple of carrier bags of various drugs. Went straight home and sorted them into a weekly pill planner. I think its interesting that some hospitalsgive planners and others don't, anyway we seemed to have managed so far sorting pills for this week. Total of 34 to be taken on a Wednesday and 4 every day on other days.

    Dad works 2 weeks nights and 2 weeks days. At the moment he is night shift and went to work having taken his ctd, we were really worried about him, but he said he had a great night, I think it must have been the DEX!

    He insists he will be fit for work going forward even though the consultant said he should take 2 weeks to see how he is. I have a feeling from reading other posts he may feel the effects of the CTD in the next couple of days and hope that he will be sensible and have a few days of of work. I admire his determination though to keep going.

    I'll post any further developments, best wishes to all, Clara x



    Hi Clara,

    Your Dad has clearly the right mental attitude to tackle this disease, ?Damm the Torpedoes?, is dead right. I wish him and you the very best of luck. He will know when he cannot go to work but until then I would give him every encouragement to try.

    I look forward to further posts on his progress.

    Kindest regards




    It is great that your Dad feels able to go to work still!! I felt when on my CDT that if only my back was not killing me (collapsed vertebrae) I could have done my normal stuff, as I really saw none of the side effects that others experienced.

    He might just be one of the lucky ones too!!

    As long as he follows what his body wants him to do he should be fine.




    Hi Clara I am so glad things have got off to a good start and I hope your dad continues to feel fighting fit for a long time . As long as he doesnt feel he has to keep going through the tired times and rests when he needs to he should do fine It must be a relief for you to see him doing so well love Bridget x



    He seems to have a positive approach and if/when the effects kick in then hopefully he will rest up and listen to his body.




    Thanks everyone!

    Yes so far so good, however Dad has complained today of his feet being very cold but they are hot when touched, perhaps this is a side effect? He's feeling slightly queasy but hopefully the anti sickness pills will help.

    He got an appointment in for the hospital for his Radiotherapy on Tuesday, typical I'm away with my work so can't go with him and Mum. From what I've read this will be a planning meeting and I'd really like to attend but flights etc are booked and my work have been good so far. In one way I think sod it, its only work Dads more important but as I need them to flexible with me in the coming months I don't want to upset the applecart by not attending my work.

    Dad has a mass of Myeloma on his hip and bottom of his spine and I have read the risks involved and would really like to go to the hospital on Tuesday to find out more info.

    Has anyone else had Radiotherapy in these areas and can give me some info? Does this give side effects and how does it go when given CTD at the same time? Don't know how many sessions he needs to have yet I suppose he will find this out on Tuesday.

    I'm so glad this forum exists as its such a good way to express feelings and worries and get support.

    Love and best wishes to all, Clara xxxx



    Hi Clarabell,
    From experience of my husband having the same treatment I think that you will find your dad is going to be 'measured up' so to speak. For that you don't need to attend.
    They will look at the scans and mark his body with a sort of 'tattoo (it washes away in time)
    He will be given a further appointment where they will use the tattoo marks to direct the 'ray' (for want of a better word)
    My husband was fine at that time but on the journey home he felt as sick as a dog. I realised at that point it would have been useful to have taken a 'sick' tablet in advance.
    Once home the area around the tattoo was hot as if he had sunburn. The hospital will advise if and what cream to apply if it bothers him.
    That therefore might be a more appropriate time to attend if you can.
    I think he is great for being able to go to work but, warn him not to push himself if it gets to much. Fatigue is the worst side effect of CDT. When it hits he must just rest.
    Hope this helps



    A good piece of advice I had was from the Ward Sister when I had my SCT. Listen to your body it will tell you when it is tired she said, and when it does YOU ARE DAMM WELL TIRED ? REST and do not be a bl***y hero! 😀 Advice I always follow.

    Kindest regards


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