Hi Trish
All conflicting info, I suggest you ask your consultant as there are probably different local rules.
I'm told that if you have auto SCT, the cells put back include lots of our other white cells including antibodies from previous vaccinations, which still carry the blueprint of our previous immunity, therefore there is no need to revaccinate except for things as they expire, ie tetanus and flu. The theory being that if you are exposed to something like measles or hepatitis B, there are still enough antibody cells that will recognise the relevant bugs (antigens) and duplicate as needed. Our immune systems are a bit tardy though so we tend to get well infected before our antibodies work properly, and often need additional antibiotic support. The shingles virus is a slightly different kettle of fish in where it is stored after chicken pox, which is why we are on antivirals after transplant.
I work in the NHS, and they have not so far insisted on any revaccination.
Let us know what happens, it is only by our raising the questions sometimes that national changes and answers are found.
Love Helen