
This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Michele 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    My husband Peter had his SCT on 1st Dec 2011 and was told at that time that he would need to be re vaccinated for some childhood illnesses , tetanus etc. 6 months down the line Peter is working a little in the cattery which we run as a business and in the garden. We have asked about the vaccinations and been told that it is too early. I am concerned that Peter is not covered particularly for tetanus. Has anyone any experience of this.
    Many thanks



    Hi Trish, I had my SCT in Dec 2010 and I have not had any re-vaccinations, not even for travel abroad.

    As a point of interest I was told to be wary of animals in general and not to touch them. Not sure how long this quarantine was meant to go on for but even now as a rule I do not touch stray animals.

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Hi trish,

    When kev had his sct April 2011 he was started on his vaccines in August 2011 I think one them was tetanus and then in oct: flu jab and in may of this year he had a jab for meningitis and was told he's up to date, hope that helps also this was all done through our GPs practice nurse,

    Regards liz xx



    Hi Trish
    All conflicting info, I suggest you ask your consultant as there are probably different local rules.

    I'm told that if you have auto SCT, the cells put back include lots of our other white cells including antibodies from previous vaccinations, which still carry the blueprint of our previous immunity, therefore there is no need to revaccinate except for things as they expire, ie tetanus and flu. The theory being that if you are exposed to something like measles or hepatitis B, there are still enough antibody cells that will recognise the relevant bugs (antigens) and duplicate as needed. Our immune systems are a bit tardy though so we tend to get well infected before our antibodies work properly, and often need additional antibiotic support. The shingles virus is a slightly different kettle of fish in where it is stored after chicken pox, which is why we are on antivirals after transplant.

    I work in the NHS, and they have not so far insisted on any revaccination.
    Let us know what happens, it is only by our raising the questions sometimes that national changes and answers are found.
    Love Helen



    Hi Trish

    this is one Q I asked after my SCT in dec 09, I was told that I dont need to have any just the flue and they gave me a phnumonia one (check me spelling lol)in 2011 and said that would last ten years?? so me being me I said your husband (my consutant and my Dr are married to each other) said MM has a five year life expentancy in 2009 and now in 2011 you are giving me somethingh that will last ten years?? do you think I will get value for money on it He he, and she said lets give you it and you can come back in ten years and have another one 😎 (I love her and her husband lol)

    But that said I thought our system was wiped clean with a transplant ?? Lord knows and he aint talking to me today ha ha.

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Hi everyone
    Thanks David Liz Helen and Tom, we are going to ask consultant when we next see her. It does seem very confusing cos Peter's doc defo said that he would need to be re vaccinated…but hey i guess they know what they are doing, when and how etc.:-S
    Our grandson 2 and half got the pox when Peter had his SCT and he had to keep away from grandad for 8 weeks in total, it was rather scary thinking that Peter could have got them and the doc was very concerned at that time.:-(
    Tom i would just go with the flow and get your 10 years worth and more for the pnuemonia jab:-)




    Trish I intend to do this one and the next cos my young bride (elaine) told me I was 😎

    Let us know what you are told re vaccination

    Tom "Onwards and upwards" xx



    Hiya Trish
    I had my transplant in January 2011 and had my vacinations in January this year.I had all the ones the babies have one each month for 3 months plus pneumonia for 2 months,and meningitis x 3, and had the flu one Nov. I will have them repeated it Jan 2013. I've got the list somewhere I'll have to dig it out.
    Regards Oz



    Hello everyone

    Peter has seen the consultant today and we asked about re vaccination. The consultant said that he would be re vaccinated for everthing that he needs in about a year from now. He said that if they were done now they would not take because Peter's immune system is still not running properly, being only 9 months from his SCT.Peter is treated at Queens Centre,Castle Hill, Cottingham

    Love Trish x



    I had my SCT in February 2012 and was told by my specialist that she would be writing to my doctor in February 2013 regarding vaccinations.

    As far as animals are concerned, I did let my husband see to our chickens for a few weeks following SCT but soon started handling them again with no problems.


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