Velcade Rash

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tishwish 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    Well here we go again, Peter has got the chicken pox type spots/rash again. he has just finished cycle 2 and yesterday, same day as before, the spots appeared. Hospital informed and the doctor has said that unless Peter becomes unwell then we are not to go to hospital until next Friday, cycle 3 is due to start same day.We are now becoming very worried that cycle 3 will also be delayed or even worse the doctors will make the decision to stop Velcade treatment completely. Peter feels tired and completely lacking in energy. The past few days he has slept a lot.
    Has anyone else had a similar reaction to Velcade.

    Thanks Trish xx



    Hi Trish,
    Velcade is known for making shingles possible, but I don't know about chicken pox. Is Peter on Aciclovr?
    As for exhaustion, when I'm on Velcade there are certain days when I fall asleep without much choice, and at odd times. I have some difficulty differentiating between this and perhaps a reaction to the stage of the dex cycle I'm at. I suspect that Velcade can cause extreme tiredness, but it isn't a constant thing.



    Hello Eva
    Thank you for your reply. We are now even more confused with the spots/rash. They appeared again at the end of cycle 2, exactly same as at end of cycle 1. Phone call to hospital and doctor said not to go to hospital unless Peter became unwell. The spots cause Peter no trouble, no itching, scratching or pain.
    Peter was at clinic on Friday and the doctor was also very confused with the rash. he brought a senior consultant to look at said spots and he said that you can get skin infections with the Velcade. After much discussion it was decided that another blood test be taken to check for chicken pox/shingles and that they agreed that cycle 3 would start also.Peter has had a little problem with his eyes, they seem to be watery and runny.
    On a better note Peter's paraprotein has come down from 18 to 14, this was from a blood test taken on 5th April.

    Love Trish xx



    Congrats on the drop in paraprotein. I've also had problems with my eyes, but perhaps it's a different one as my eyes tend to be very dry.




    Peter has continued to have the rash at the end of each cycle. At end of cycle 3 the doctor told him that she believed that the rash was caused by the steroids, however she couldn't understand it really. Peter is taking same steroids as he had for the CDT treatment and with no effect then. It is exactly the same each time, spots identical to chicken pox. Swabs and blood tests show no positive reactions to chicken pox or shingles. Peter has now seen 6 doctors and not one has ever seen the rash before in other patients. Cycle 4 just ended and the rash is back agan.

    Love Trish xxx



    Hi Trish, I developed a circle of four spots on my left forearm. I pointed it out to the Nurse on my treatment day. Two staff nurses came and had a look at them and decided it was not a problem but, as a precaution, my wifey should exam me once a week after treatment. Any more should be reported immediately to the Heamo Ward. They seem to be fading and I have no more to date. I have no other side affects, accepting normal Dex problems, to talk off.

    Kindest Regards – vasbyte




    Hello everyone.

    Peter has seen the specialist today and he believes that the rash is acne, caused by the steroids. He has prescribed a lotion to apply next time they appear……which will be 2 weeks today at the end of cycle 5 of Velcade plus Dex.

    Trish xx

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