week of firsts

This topic contains 13 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  eve 13 years ago.

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    I have had an unusual week, started last Saturday driving down to Warwickshire in my new car with 3 dogs. Labradors. I have never had all 3 on a long journey, and never taken them all to my daughters ( who has two labs) but she had a need you mum emergency and i could not bring myself to put them in kennels.
    so drove there in what was an anticipated snow storm which did not fall till I arrived and was a smattering rather than a downmpour.
    I was very apprehensive as my pack and her pack have never been together and one of mine who went with me at Christmas spent the entire week growling and snarling at one of hers.
    Got out the car and believe it or not they were all yes all immediate friends. I took 5 dogs our twice a day for walks which was very therapeutic. No leads needed as the countryside is thru the gate.
    The need you emergency did not materialise as SIL business flight was cancelled by BA so could have stayed home
    Had my 1st Birthday without Peter which was not as bad as I had thought it would be. in fact it was lovely with the grandchildren. Got a pressy of a weeks cruise! never been on one before,,.
    Met another myeloma widow, whilst there. Remarkably interesting meeting very ?enjoyable? and lovely lady.
    Came home today and brought my grand daughter Daisy with me 6 yrs what a little chatter box. no time to be aware of entering the house alone. And she is finaly asleep in my bed, only because no time to make one up for her. Tommorow she is off to the beauty parlour. I am now exhausted and off to bed. See if I get any sleep?
    It is darned cold very cold and dont like it.
    Love Min x



    Hi Min I am so glad you had a good week even if it was exhausting !! I did worry about you on your birthday as it must be very hrd without Peter there but I am glad it wasnt as bad as you thought it would be . Hope you have lots of fun with your grandaughter even if you need earplugs !! My grandson is exactly the same never stops chattering but I love it really How lucky we are to be able to spend precious time with them You will love the cruise , being a lady of leisure! Where are you cruising? Afriend of mne goes on several short cruises each year and tells me its addictive The weather is supposed to get warmer from tomorrow , fingers crossed they are right cos I bloody hate being this cold This morning I was feeling awful after my Bendamustine infusion yesterday but I had to trek into London for an mri in temperatures of -8 and foggy To say I was a misery is an understatement especially as this one was really painful , my back, so I was very glad when it was over At least when I get the results I will know whether its working , I hope so really dont fancy having very aggressive chemo Have a good weekend love Bridget x



    What a lovely post Min. So pleased you had a good time. 3 Labs? Goodness our 2 Westies are hard enough You must be either a glutton for punishment or a dog whisperer

    love from Gill xx



    aww Min what Great read this time of the morning 😀 and heres me thinking I had run out of tears :-S but i have to admite I have one or two rolling down my cheeks now but they are "Happy Tears" great Presie Elaine and I have been on a Cruise many years ago take a look at the two photo's attached you will love it Min

    Have a great time and thank you for a great post

    Lots of Love Tom xxx



    Hi Min,

    Its great to see that life in general is keeping you upbeat and busy… you are surrounded by love… most of it unconditional, excepting perhaps a few doggy treats and their favourite dinners.

    I'm glad you made a friend, even if the 'commonality' was the least expected and the last wanted.. ife really is 'like hat' at times.

    I loved your post and I love you.




    Thanks Dai.
    I did a big 1st yesterday and went out to the police club to meet my old coleagues.
    First time since I left to care for Peter 11 months ago. I felt terrified but got thru it and now waiting for the next hurdle what ever that is. The truth is I now know nothing will ever be as bad or difficult as saying goodbye to Peter.
    I have a new life. In that old familiar term not one of my choosing but now I am here I have to get on with it. When I am in the mood.
    The mood is not often with me but when I feel in the mood the world is my oyster. Just wish I was not so alone. The human spirit is amazing but without human contact its not so good.
    I feel as if my life is in slow motion and I want to press the fast forward button if that makes sense.
    Love Min



    Hi Min

    I had missed your earlier post. I am so glad you are getting through even if you feel you are living life in slow motion! You are one brave lady and I am glad life is throwing some good things at you as well. Mind you, I can't imagine anyone being able to take five large dogs for a walk at once!!! We find our little yorkshire terrier enough for us. Mind you, these days, I tend to sit in the car while Gordon does the walking.

    All best wishes as you rebuild you life. Of course it isn't what you would have chosen, but it sounds as if you have a lovely family and good friends to support you.

    Much love.

    Mavis x



    Nice to see you at last Mavis, five loarge dogs in the countryside is not difficult as there are no leads and most of them are well behaved and non of them is under 7yrs old. Its mostly about letting them see who is in charge of the pack. In my cse that means my 7yr old yellow lab as she is on the ball.
    It was rather funny as all the others are black and the amount of time I had to keep counting them to make sure they were all present and correct eludes me!
    I have been thinking lately that its time i moved on from here, I absolutly needed my cyber friends when Peter died but as time goes on I realise there is not much I have in common with those of you who are fighting non stop to keep on going. Including those of you who are caring for someone you love.
    My thoughts are constantly with you all and I feel for each and every one of you. MM is a way of life and there is no getting away from it.
    I long for the days when Peter was going back and forward to the hospital and the joy of getting good results from time to time but in our case it was bad the majority of the time with so much effort going into bouying him and I up to get over the bad times.
    He was dealt a bad hand and diagnosed really late into his illness and the results were never going to be good in his case.
    If he had had the benefit of good consultants from the outset instead of useless people who treated him for non existant enlarged prostate for months and kidney problems that were not identified as being related to MM until it was too late???.. IF only is gone and so am I
    I have loved being part of your community but its time for me to move on? I will read from time to time but I have found a wonderful group of very supportive Widows who make it there business to meet from time to time to discuss mutual things and enjoy life with others going thru the same feelings and thoughts so its
    Goodnight from me and thanks for having me.
    Love MIn xx
    I am on Facebook if you want to keep in touch



    Dear Min when I read your post it made me a little sad You have been a towethat you are able to move on , as you said r of stregth to so many of us , always good sensible advice tempered with kindness , even when things were really tough for you Thankyou for your kindness and wisdom . Whilst you will be missed by so many of us I am pleased for you . Enjoy life each and every day is precious Sorry but I am not very good with words today but I will see you on facebook and perhaps you will pop back on here occasionaly to let us know how you are too Lots of love Bridget xx



    Dear Min

    I too I'll be sad to see you go but you have a life to live and enjoy. Thank you for all your goodness , kindness and good advice and friendship.

    Enjoy life and I hope that life will be kind to you. See you on face book

    Tke care
    Love Jean xx



    Dear Min

    Well I wish you Luck and i thank you for being My Online Friend for a long time, I loved your strenth I also loved your Compassion and care to us all I for one will miss you on here with your kind words of strenth and Care.

    I understand your reason for needing to leave the site and I send you on your way with a great big Hug (((((())))) and lots of love.

    I tried to find you on F/b but aint found you??. dont forget you can get in touch with me here t.lappin1@ntlworld.com and on F/B if you can find me Lol

    Take Care and Much Love and Hugs sent your way

    Love Tom xxxxxxx



    Dear Min, I will miss your sound sensible posts but I wish you all the very best for the future.

    It is great you are moving on, my wonderful Mo will have to face the same journey sometime in the future and face that same loneliness that you can only fully understand when you have lived with someone you love for a long time.

    All the very best and do not forget ? VASBYTE

    My kindest regards




    I am in tears over your post but do understand. Who will advise me over our 2naughtie Westies? Who will be there instead of you?

    Good Luck Min. I wish you all the best. I am sure that Peter was a rock for you but he was also a lucky man to have found you

    Gill xxxxx



    Hi Min
    I feel like Gill,but I am also very proud of you,you have picked yourself up and started to find a new life,as David says we all know what the future has in store,but you are just showing it can be done.

    I cannot find you on facebook Min,I would like to keep in touch,I will all ways be grateful for all your help with Slim,you kept me going in those dark days,and I have never been able to repay your kindness.
    Have a good life and live it to the full Love Eve

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