
This topic contains 8 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  lorrainey 13 years, 8 months ago.

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    I kept back a small shot of hope that my light chains might back off a little and give me a bit of summer before the Velcade had its shot but… I developed a tumour on my sternum… and

    'It grew'd and grew'd, it grew'd and grew'd, it grew an awfy size…. with great big mouth and great big teeth and great big googlie eyes'. Just like a Lampton Worm; with tentacle spreading out to my shoulders and down into the deep below – smarted a bit too.

    My consultant ordered a nice set of snaps to look at when she got back from her holidays and fixed it for the specialist Haematoloradiologist to confirm or deny their scariness and/or compatibility. She is holding out for compatibility in the hope that Velcade might quell/cool/shrink it.

    It was growing apace and hardening and, as noted, smarting something rotten, especially if I did something daft in my sleep like stretching.

    I've had three infusions of Velcade – 2 last week, 1 yesterday…. and its gorn… gorn I tell you… not a trace, not a tentacle… not even a pinkie finger.

    I am happily flabbergasted.


    PS. I have a consultation next Monday (on my week off) and I'm looking forward to baring my chest and saying: 'Howsaboutzat Doc!'

    PPS. Can I borrow Stephen's chest Gill, my seven hairs won't cut much mustard.



    Hi Dai I am so glad you showed that critter who is boss!!! Its amazing how quickly these things leave when faced with a nice dose of poison !! You could always buy a chest wig Dai haha love Bridget x



    Great, great news Dia. That is absolutely incredible, Velcade, if it works for you, seems amazing stuff.

    I lost my three chest hairs at the first dose of Chemo and despite assurances from my Consultant they have not come back. I look for them every day but not a glimmer, bo ho :'-( . I did think of asking Bridget to knitting me a ?chest hat?.

    Seriously, I am so pleased for your good news.

    Kindest regards ? Vasbyte



    Dda iawn Dai, absolutely delightful news, you are obviously one of a growing breed of Velcade ninjas!

    Keep up the good work,

    Mari x



    Absolutly flipping brilliant news.
    Brightened my day after reading the distressing news from some of our friends. Just what was needed Dai
    love Min.
    PS lambton worm pronounced warm in Geordie land



    Thanks all, it gives me hope that velcade might be a working option that's for sure.

    I naw aboot t'warm – Cushie Butterfield tawd me.

    She's a big lass and a bonnie Lass she likes her beer
    They call her Cushie Butterfield and I wish she war here. 🙂

    Dai. – singing softly.



    Great news Dai 😀

    And for those that are or might go onto that drug regime am sure it will put them at ease 😎

    Once again Dai Well done:-D

    Tom trying to sing:-/



    Hi Dai

    So glad to hear the frightening tumour has taken flight. It gives me great encouragement to know that these drugs actually do work in spite of all the side effects which terrify me. It will help me when my time to take them comes.

    Do hope things continue to improve for you and that our "bard" continues to be inspired!!!

    All best wishes.




    Hi Dai

    Fantastic news!! So pleased to hear Velcade's working wonders for you 🙂

    Love n hugs Lorraine xx

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