
  • Ali replied to the topic Stem Cell Harvest & SCT in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Paul

    Just checking in to see how things are going with you – and to let you know that you're being thought of.

    Love Alison

  • Ali started the topic My Mums SCT. in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi guys,

    I just thought I would fill you in re my Mums SCT. She was admitted at 9pm Tuesday evening, melphalan Wednesday and stem cells returned today – 2 bags, they will store the other 2 bags. Despite feeling very nauseous her spiits are good and I have to say that the staff are looking after her very well. Visiting times are very relaxed…[Read more]

  • Hi Chris

    I wish you well for your harvest tomorrow. My Mum has MM and had her cells collected a couple of weeks ago and SCT 1st August.

    Fingers crossed you collect millions of little cells:-D

    Keep us informed!

    Alison x

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin the sequel SCT in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Vicki

    My Mum had the cyclophosphomide and the gcsf to mobilise, I was not aware this was not a standard sequence of events – hence the hairloss already. Her Hickman line is also on the right, she [b]does[/b] drive and rests one of those small chamois leather sponges that you would use to wipe your windscreen in between the seatbelt and her…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin the sequel SCT in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Vicki and Colin

    Im sorry that things didnt quite go to plan today – there was a lady when my Mum was there 2 weeks ago who had the same little blip. You say the nurses are not phased, and you are right, they have seen it all before and have tons of experience – its us that have not, and I think sometimes they forget thats its all new and…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin the sequel SCT in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Vicki and Colin

    Just wanted to wish you luck for stem cell collection today, let us know how Colin gets on!.:-)

    My Mum has got her date for SCT – next Wed 1st Aug unless a bed becomes available sooner – oh goodness – I dont think any of us expected it quite so quick, but as she had to wait a very long time for stem cell harvesting etc…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Stem Cell Harvest & SCT in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hey Paul

    Just wanted to wish you all the very best for your SCT. I hope you find that you have an uneventful stay in hospital and a swift recovery. Yes, please keep us informed on your progress. My Mum is just a little behind you – her SCT date is 1st August unless there is a bed available sooner.

    Love Ali x

  • Hi Tina

    Well done you! another hurdle over – enjoy and relax on your holidays, looks like the sun is shining for you.

    Love Alison x

  • Ali replied to the topic A difficult harvest in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Mari

    What a relief! Well done Steve! Have a much deserved rest, enjoy your holiday.

    Love Alison x 😀

  • Ali replied to the topic Bristol SCT in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Stephen

    Good to hear from you! Well done you. Take care of yourself and enjoy being back in your own bed.

    Love Ali x

  • Ali replied to the topic A difficult harvest in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Helen

    Mum did phone the daycase unit and she went down this pm (after a morning of shopping with me) she had bloods done and no sign of thrombosis showed up but the doc says it could be a small one? also could be an infection so she has some antibiotics just incase. She is back taking the clexane now. Potassium levels are a bit low so shes…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic A difficult harvest in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Mari

    Good news that the Stem Cells are being collected for sure. Its so mind numbingly boring being hooked up (as a watcher of this on Monday I can tell you I felt so drained!) and im sure that the prospect of a 4th day will not go down too well with Stephen – (you should have brought him 50 shades of grey to read lol)

    Will you still be…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic A difficult harvest in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Mari

    We are all rooting for Stephen! Tell him to get a wriggle on lol.

    Yes, I do think you have to develope a certain strong will and determination and like you say its that that sees you through.

    Fingers crossed it all works out in your favour Mari – get packing!

    Love Ali x

  • Ali replied to the topic Stem Cell Harvest in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Eliz

    Yes she was very productive! All the pain over the weekend was definately worth it. Shes been to the coast today and ate fish and chips and felt better than she has done over the last few weeks! Fingers crossed for some good weather, I think we all deserve it!

    Love Ali x

  • Ali replied to the topic Stem Cell Harvest in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Mari

    Good to hear the wonder drug has done the trick, and I hope you got a good phone call this evening saying how many Stephen has collected.

    My hubby is like that with the packing…as long as hes got clean pants is what he says! but of course when we get there he starts with "why didnt you pack my blue tshirt" etc – men eh!

    I am…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Stem Cell Harvest in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Mari

    I have posted on your other post too. Just want to say thanks for your support – It really means alot! I am very grateful that my Mum got what they need in the 1 go, the specialist nurse seemed very confident that 1 day is all it would take after the results of the blood tests came in, then she got the magic phone call last…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic A difficult harvest in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hey Mari

    My fingers and toes are crossed for today, surely the extra gcsf and the plerixafor will do the trick. The nurses mentioned plerixafor to us last week and they were very confident it does the job very well. Like you say its just very expensive and they probably use it as plan B.

    Im pleased you are able to still go on your jollies…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Stem Cell Harvest in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Vicki and Colin

    Thankyou for your kind words. I am really pleased that she did it in 1 go! Mums chuffed she is spared another day at the hospital I think. I must say [b]I[/b] was exhausted last night! Its funny how by just sitting there makes you tired lol. Good luck to Colin – I hope its a breeze and he collects millions!

    Hi…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Stem Cell Harvest in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Tom

    You were crammed full of lovely cells anyhow, and its doing the trick nicely for you. I was under the impression you could only have 1 harvest procedure, but if you read Mari and Stephens story hes gone in today for his 2nd harvest.

    Did heads roll at the hospital when that happened Tom?

    Thanks for your kind message

    Love Ali X

  • Ali started the topic Stem Cell Harvest. in the forum Treatment 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi everyone

    I thought I would share the good news that my mum has been today for her stem cell harvesting procedure. She was hooked up to the machine for 4 hours and they collected 6.2 million cells, which is enough for 2 transplants. Its true what they say, after a weekend of pain, its all been worth it – "No pain, no gain" Hoorah, another…[Read more]

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