
  • Ali replied to the topic Good News X Two in the forum General 12 years, 3 months ago

    HI Tom

    Such fantastic news for you both! Bet you have had a super weekend! Happy Birthday for tomorrow.

    Love Alison x

  • Hi Dee

    What a relief for you and your family. Not surprised you are happy!

    Keep us informed of your Dads progress.

    Take care Alison x

  • Ali replied to the topic SCT Colin in the forum Treatment 12 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Penny

    Just wishing you the best of luck for Monday and your SCT.

    Thankyou for deciding to do a blog as im sure it will help others about to go through the same thing.

    My Mum is in 3/7/12 for the Hickman line to be fitted and the process to begin, so shes not far behind you.

    Kind Regards Alison x

  • Hi Dee

    I know its all such a worry but as time goes by it does get easier to cope with. My Mum has wanted life to carry on as normal and im learning not to fuss about her all the time. We have our nightly phone conversations about what we have had for tea lol ( my hubby rolls his eyes at this) and dont even mention the Myeloma, and that was…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Becky's Myeloma UK Event in the forum Off topic 12 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Dai,

    Well done Becky. I wish id had known about the event as I live only 5 minutes up the road!

    Sounds like a good night was had by all – lets hope the money keeps rolling in! I will watch out for you all in The Chad next week!

    Take care

    Alison x

  • Hi Dee

    Im Alison. My Mum was diagnosed last November, we had never heard of Myeloma. I completely understand how you feel right now, my Mum is my best friend as well as a fantastic Mum. She was 57 when diagnosed.

    She opted to be on the Myeloma 11 trial and has had 5 cycles of treatment (has not lost her hair) and is waiting now for her…[Read more]

  • Hi Ann

    I dont know if this will help you but my Mum also developed a shelf like mass around her abdomen whilst on treatment (RCD) you could see it and also feel it when you rubbed your hands down her tummy area. She said it restricted the amount of food she ate – so little and often was the order of the day. She said sometimes she felt so…[Read more]

  • Hi Rachael

    Im sorry you have had to join the site but a very big welcome to you. Its been a godsend to me since my lovely Mum was diagnosed November 2011 aged 57.

    Im sure you will find lots of information on here as I have. You can also ring the nurse (as I have done a few times) if you have concerns/questions, and someone always "pops"…[Read more]

  • Hi Dai

    Cant help you with the sleeping pill question, but I know for sure that if you made me watch the football I would be asleep in an instant!>:-)

    Hope you get a good nights rest

    Ali x

  • Ali replied to the topic Is this usual in the forum General 12 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Karen

    Im Alison, my Mum has MM and was diagnosed last November.

    Yes I agree with Eve. I work as admin for NHS and anything to do with the C word should be prioritised as urgent and should be seen within 2 weeks. In my mums case it was 2 weeks to the day, and what an awful long wait that was.

    I hope you dont have to wait too much…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic SCT in the forum Treatment 12 years, 3 months ago

    I will try to continue… her pps got to <2 from the RCD, we just dont want that to be in vain.

    Thanks for your response Dai, we went to look around the unit and it seems wonderful and the nursing staff were very friendly and helpful. Even the fact that parking is free for families is brilliant. We just want this stage to be over swiftly,…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic SCT in the forum Treatment 12 years, 3 months ago

    Her pps got to <2. She has had no zometa or any monitoring for weeks now. I thought that being on the trial meant you were monitored closely?.

    Feel really useless at the moment, what with the bank hols trying to contact members of staff is proving tricky. I also dont want to make a nuisance of myself but at the end of the day its my Mum and…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic SCT in the forum Treatment 12 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Helen

    Thanks for your response. My Mum is attending Nottingham City Hospital. We were told 3 weeks ago that the Hickman line would take 2 weeks to arrive, then would go in to have it fitted at the xray dept, when my Dad chased this up he was told that there was a backlog at the xray dept and it could be early July before she will be called…[Read more]

  • Ali started the topic SCT. in the forum Treatment 12 years, 3 months ago

    Hi everyone

    I was just wondering whats the usual timeframe from finishing firstline treatment to commencing SCT?.

    My Mum had 5 cycles of RCD and finished at the end of April and is still waiting for a date to have the Hickman line fitted in preparation for SCT . I just worry there has been a considerable wait now and could the pps start to…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic My Dad in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Jen

    Im sorry your Dad has been diagnosed. I cannot answer your questions im afraid, but im sure someone will pop in who can.

    My Mum was diagnosed in November last year aged 57. We had never heard of Myeloma. It has been a huge shock to us all as a family so I understand what you are going through. Please try not to look at other…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Hello to All in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Eve

    I think you are right there is a blip and I am unable to post under a new discussion.

    I will try again later…

    Hope Slim is doing well after his SCT.

    Love Alison

  • Ali replied to the topic Hello to All in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Jacqui

    Fantastic news to hear! Well done you, it gives me great hope for my Mums soon to be SCT.

    What a relief for you and your family.

    To be honest I have lots of questions but do not know where to start?!

    Rest up and take care Jacqui

    Love and hugs Alison xx

  • Ali replied to the topic SCT Underway in the forum Treatment 12 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Eve

    What a relief for you both for Slim to be home.

    Take care


  • Ali replied to the topic DT PACE in the forum Treatment 12 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Paul,

    Im sorry to hear your last treatment has not achieved the desired effect. No wonder you feel p****d off. Just read the article on DTPACE that Dai posted, please think positive thoughts, let this be the one to kick the PPs into touch.

    Isnt it "Eee by gum?" lol

    Take care


  • Ali replied to the topic New to the site in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Paul, thanks for the reply.

    I hope you are feeling well? now after your week in hospital.

    Take it easy Ali 🙂

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