
  • Ali replied to the topic Myeloma X1 trial in the forum Treatment 11 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Jacqui

    My Mum is on this trial. She had 6 cycles of RCD (was going to be 5 but her consultant wanted to try 1 more). Her last cycle was April this year and then went on to have SCT at the beginning of August. I think it just depends on when the pps plateau or best of all go to 0. Mum stayed at <2 for 2 months so the they decided it was…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Good news in the forum Treatment 11 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks guys for your well wishes, I really appreciate them and if my Mum would ever drop in here so would she. Although I do read her snippets occasionally:-)

    Helen, surely that cough is due to go soon? Did you say you expect it to be gone for Christmas? I do hope so. ) Bet you have strong abs from all the coughing though, must be very…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Treatment update in the forum Treatment 11 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Liz and Kev

    Im really sorry to hear that Kevs been having a tough time of it. Hope the rev/dex gets things under control again very quickly. I know what you mean about this forum being a godsend. Its just nice to know there is someone out there understands what you are going through, whether you are the patient or the watcher.

    Love to…[Read more]

  • Ali started the topic Good news. in the forum Treatment 11 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Everyone

    Just thought id update you on my Mums progress since SCT in August.

    Shes recovering really well, slowly but surely:-) Appetite back to normal. Problems with acid and sore mouth I told you about seem to have gone (reaching round for some wood to touch). Hair growing back nicely. We have got so much to be thankful for.

    We…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Coming to terms in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Karen

    My name is Ali and its my Mum with MM – shes 58 and was diagnosed last November. Mum was on RCD for 6 cycles and then had her SCT at Nottingham City under Prof Russell in August this year. As Dai says the whole team there are brilliant, and you will be looked after well.. She was told last week that she is in complete remission and…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic REVVING UP FOR SCT! in the forum Treatment 11 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Chris

    You have done so well, fantastic that you are home and seem in such good spirits. Dallas, well I didn't expect her to be ken Barnes daughter did you?. Keep taking it easy though.

    Love Ali x

  • Hi Vicki and Colin

    My Mum was still quite ill from both ends (if you know what I mean) when they let her home. So as Tom said they must think its possible for the weekend. Its the homestretch now, nearly done:-)

    Love Ali xx

  • Hi Eric

    Im Alison, its my Mum with MM. Shes having the same sort of worries as you at the moment. She too is on Myeloma 11 trial. Having completed 6 cycles of RCD and SCT Aug 2nd this year. She is just starting to feel "normal" again, or as close to it as she can:-) Shes now been randomised to Revlimid and Vorinostat.

    Whilst on RCD…[Read more]

  • Hi Vicki,

    On the home straight now, wont be long until Colins back home. Keep smiling 🙂

    Love Ali xx

  • Hi Vicki and Colin

    Hope things are still going to plan. As Helen says try to stay cheery when you walk in the room, though its so hard. My Mum was pretty much the same as Helen. The second week especially I would walk out of the ward and burst into tears, its so awful to see your loved one in that way. But, when things were on the up she did…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Good News! in the forum General 11 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Mavis

    Well done you and thanks for sharing your good news. Enjoy.

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Weird side effect? in the forum Side-effects 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Pat

    Sorry to hear you are having a rough time of it, you have every right to have a moan here and there im sure.

    Its my Mum with MM. Both her wedding ring and cross that she wears on a chain around her neck have tarnished unfortunately – both gold.

    She got very shaky on the dex days, even her voice. We used to call them the "Larry…[Read more]

  • Hi Tina

    Welcome home:-)

    All I can say is my Mum felt exactly the same as you when she came home. She got quite upset and down that she didnt seem to be making any progress. But little by little and week by week she got stronger. Things she used to eat before SCT she said felt all wrong in her mouth ie a sandwich. Wet foods were not…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic REVVING UP FOR SCT! in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Chris

    Well, the only way is up! Sorry to hear about your sore mouth:-(

    I went to get the Kylie cd yesterday and I think its great, lovely to snooze to if you know what I mean (a bit lullabyish) Glad to hear you have been keeping up with Dallas 10/10 from me too.

    It wont be long now until your on the up.

    Love Ali x

  • Hi Vicki and Colin

    Just checking in to see how everything is going. All to plan so it seems. There was no big announcement when my Mum reached 0, but I remember asking on here about them rising and Helen replied that they do rise pretty quickly when they start going up.

    You really must give yourself a break, as you will still need some…[Read more]

  • Hi Vicky and Colin

    Just thinking about you two. Glad you mananged to get a bed after the shaky start (thats all you needed). Hopefully, Colin will be a lucky one and sail through with hardly any side effects. I remember Tom saying, its all doable. You have both got to grit your teeth. Is it a long drive home for you Vicky?.

    I blame my Mum…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Infections in the forum Side-effects 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi David,

    Sorry I cant help you with any of your questions:-( but just wanted to say hello!

    Love Ali x

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Vikki and Colin

    So, this is it then, the next hurdle:-) Wishing you all the very best for your SCT Colin, and hope that its an uneventful one. You can do it!.

    Vikki, remember to take care of yourself too, its exhausting mentally and physically. Please keep in touch if you have the time and energy. I will be thinking of you…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic REVVING UP FOR SCT! in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Chris

    Good to hear from you. Glad things are running smoothly for you except for the headache and [i]rattling[/i]. Im saving Dallas for Saturday night when my Hubby goes out, but you have not spoilt it for me – im hoping its not the last one in the series. The beauty of sky+, no adverts.

    Keep your spirits up and remember you will be…[Read more]

  • Hi Helen,

    Great news! Well done you. Short but sweet from me,using new phone to type and its a bit of a mare!

    Love Alison xx

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