
  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Andy

    The hol sounds fantastic, just nice to chill out. I bet you have made some friends there over the years. My favourite Greek food has to be Stifado.

    What you say is right, cant live life in a bubble. My Mum and Dad cannot wait to get away abroad. I think anywhere would do, but they will have to wait a while yet. We are all…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Vikki

    Yes, deffo check with the hospital re dates, just to make sure. Its been horrible and murky here in Nottinghamshire too, for once I didnt mind being at work! Enjoy your meal with your friends, wont be long now until you can start putting all this behind you.:-) Will you start a new thread when Colin goes in? scrolling down to the…[Read more]

  • Hi Andy

    I thought a donor for the transplant had to be a sibling? Its amazing they have found a close match in America. Theres sure to be one close to home. I wonder how does one go about donating stem cells?

    Until you get your match, just keep on giving this MM a run for its money.

    Hope you are finally getting over your infections and…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic REVVING UP FOR SCT! in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hey Chris

    Just wishing you the very best of luck. Hoping it all runs to plan and you have a very uneventful stay at Musgrove:-)

    I cant wait for Dallas either, that John Ross is just as bad as his Dad:-0 I love it!

    Keep your spirits up – you can do this.

    Love Ali xx (and im sending also a germ free hug)

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks Helen and Andy for your words, and I know you are both right. Its just all such a worry. Mum just wants to carry on as normal, I just want her to be well.

    Sitting by the pool and reading seems like a mighty fine holiday to me Andy:-) Where to next in Greece?

    Its nice to hear that you two get to meet each other for a chat and a…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic starting treatment in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Eve

    Thanks for the tip, I will ask Mum what she does and tell her not to touch it!

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic starting treatment in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Polly

    My Mum (aged 57 at diagnosis last Nov) is on the Myeloma 11 trial. She had 6 cycles of RCD and SCT in August this year. She wasnt given anything to prevent clots and unfortunately developed 2 along the way. She now injects Clexane every evening, which she doesnt have a problem with. Except she wont be wearing a bikini anytime soon…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Vikki

    The show was fantastic! When I booked it earlier on in the year I didnt know how Mum would be fixed for going ( I even paid insurance on the tickets just in case she was poorly). I wanted us both to have something to look forward to, just Mum and Daughter. Anyway we took our seats in the arena and then it started, [b]the…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi All

    Lovely to actually see you Vikki and Colin! It sucks you have to wait another week, however at least they are well prepared at the hospital and you know that they will have the correct staff members there etc. Not long to go now..

    Hi Andy

    Sorry to hear you have been under the weather, I hope you feel a little better now:-) Hope…[Read more]

  • Hi all

    This is where I am confused (it doesnt take much!). My Mums been told she has to have all of her immunisations, and she must have had these before she can go on holiday abroad.:-|

    I do hope that Helen and Tom are feeling a little better, and that Slim is still on the up.

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Blue Badge in the forum General 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Pat

    The Macmillan nurse at our hospital filled my Mums application in, which was really helpful. She received her badge in less than 2 weeks, and already it has made a difference to our little outings, being able to park nearer to places is great for Mum as shes still very tired post SCT.

    Take care

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Helen

    I think, having read all of that and since finding out that you have whooping cough I feel you have every right to have a good old whinge. You must feel drained.

    Your memory left with the melphalan? – mine went with childbirth and has not returned yet (waited 9 years so far!).

    Can they give you anything for the whooping cough?…[Read more]

  • Hi Helen

    I saw on the news the other day that whooping cough is on the rise. No wonder you,re feeling terrible. I havent noticed your ill temper (maybe I missed something!):-)

    I hope you start to pickup soon

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic 100 day SCT check up in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Etta

    How are you doing?

    Nice to hear that you are getting away – presumably to see your kids in OZ? My mum has been told she cannot go abroad until she has had all her childhood vaccinations again – which will take us to around April next year. Just wondering, how come your hospital has a different policy? Also, Eve and Slim went on a…[Read more]

  • Hi Emma

    Welcome to this forum that has been a godsend to me for almost a now. Im so sorry to hear about your Mum, and I can understand what you are going through at this time.

    My Mum was diagnosed last November (11.11.11 to be exact) I will never forget that date. She was 57. My lovely Mum…. none of us had heard of Myeloma, such a bolt…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Sad news in the forum Under 50s 11 years, 11 months ago

    Dear Rachel

    Im so so sorry to hear your news. Oh my goodness, I dont know what to say, except that I am sorry for your loss.

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    You did it! Hoorah and well done Vikki and Colin.

    Thats such a relief for you – no wonder there were tears.

    Im so pleased for you both, another hurdle smashed. Now to regroup, chill and rest before the next stage.:-)

    Love and hugs to you both Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Vikki and Colin

    Phew, what a relief!

    Well done Colin! Keep those lovely stem cells coming:-)

    Mums doing really well thankyou, still got mouth probs but not as bad as previous. So things are looking up.

    Anyway, best of luck for today.

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Vikki and Colin

    Good luck today, I will be sat at my desk thinking of you:-)

    Love Ali xx

    Hi Helen

    Long time, no hear! How are you doing?

    Love Ali xx

  • Hi Sozo

    Thats a great story to hear, long may it continue:-)


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